Stable but high fuel prices

by time news

Service stations in France are still feverish – prices are high – but the temperature has stopped rising. Good or bad news depending on whether you are the type to see the tank half full or half empty… While the rebates from the government and certain fuel distributors ended on January 1, and it is now possible to apply for government aid of 100 euros (under conditions, when using a vehicle for the home-to-work journey), the Ministry of Ecological Transition published on Monday the average price of fuel for the period from 7 to 13 January 2023.

After a sharp increase in the first week of 2023, these remained stable. Diesel is thus displayed at 1.89 euro/l (-1.5 euro cents/l) and unleaded 95-E10 at 1.84 euro/l (+ 0.2 euro cents/ I). “Prices are stable and should remain so,” said Francis Pousse, president of fuel distributors (excluding supermarkets) within the professional automobile union Mobilians, while the price of a barrel of Brent oil remains around 80 dollars (or 74.50 euros). “The increase in the first week of 2023, linked to the end of the rebates from the State (10 cents per liter) and from Total Energies (10 cents also), has now been absorbed”, he continues.

3.75% of petrol stations run out of gas

On the other hand… Should we fear shortages as the day of social mobilization approaches on Thursday, against the pension reform project? Some 3.75% of French service stations ran out of either gasoline or diesel on Monday morning (out of around 10,000 outlets). An average which masked regional disparities, since certain departments were more affected, such as Yvelines (18%) or Pas-de-Calais (13%).

“These empty tanks are due to motorists who are filling up with anticipation, deciphers Francis Pousse. In fact, we recorded between 10% and 30% additional consumption over the weekend, while the stations were not supplied at that time…” Deliveries having resumed on Monday, the situation was “in progress recovery” almost everywhere, pointed out the professionals.

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