State Department announced the unity of the G7 on the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine | News | News

by time news

The Foreign Ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) expressed their unity on the consequences for Moscow in the event of a possible invasion of Ukraine. This was announced by a representative of the State Department on Saturday, December 11, following the results of the first day of the meeting in Liverpool.

The State Department believes that there is still a diplomatic path to de-escalate tensions in relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. However, if it is impossible to implement it, “more stringent measures will have to be applied,” she added.

“If they (the Russian authorities, – Ed.) Decide not to follow this path [дипломатического снижения напряженности в отношениях], this will entail huge consequences and serious costs, and the G7 is absolutely unanimous in this, “- quotes the words of a spokesman for the State Department Reuters.

In addition, according to her, the heads of the foreign affairs agencies of the G7 countries are united in their concern over the alleged buildup of Russian troops on the border with Ukraine.

The day before, on December 10, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said that at a meeting of foreign ministers of the G7 countries in Liverpool, they would discuss the creation of a united front against Russian policy towards Ukraine. According to the head of the kingdom’s diplomacy, at the meeting “the most influential democracies in the world will speak out against the aggressors who are trying to undermine freedom.”

On the same day, Truss wrote on Twitter that on the eve of the meeting of the “group of seven” she discussed with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken issues related to support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

Prior to this, the British Foreign Ministry explained that the G7 members will meet against the background of the aggravation of the international situation, which is associated with the anxiety of Western countries due to the “movement” of the Russian military to the border with Ukraine.

On November 21, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov stressed that the West is artificially whipping up hysteria with its statements about the alleged preparation of Russia for an attack on Ukraine. According to him, provocations are not ruled out, and the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance should stop “pumping up Ukraine with modern weapons.”

The meeting of the G7 foreign ministers in the northwest of England will take place from 11 to 12 December in the building of the Liverpool Museum. Representatives of the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are also invited to the event.

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