Strange creature with human lips on an Australian beach – video | Bizarre alien-like creature with ‘human lips’ washes up on Australia’s Bondi Beach

by time news

Canberra: The body of a strange creature with human lips found on Bondi Beach in Australia is now going viral on social media. Netizens are amazed by its human lips, which do not recognize a creature at a glance. Story Full reported that the body of the strange creature was found among the sea algae by the morning walkers on the beach.

Drew Lambert posted this video on his Facebook account. In the caption, he asks if anyone can tell him what this creature looks like came from an alien planet.

Many suggest that it may be a shark, given the skin and back of the animal. But that argument was refuted when Lambert said that no shark body parts were found in the creature. However, Leticia Hannan, supervisor at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium, later confirmed that the fish was known as the Australian Numpfish.

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