Strong Babies Pouch Chair Presentation at Zuyderland Medical Center for Kangaroo Care

by time news

2023-12-25 17:00:00
Strong Babies Donates Pouch Chair to Zuyderland Medical Center’s Neonatology Department

On December 22, the foundation Strong Babies presented a pouch chair to the neonatology department of Zuyderland Medical Center on behalf of its donors. The foundation aims to make uninterrupted kangaroo care possible for the babies in Zuyderland Birth Center, ensuring the healthiest possible future for the infants. The first baby to benefit from the chair was Baby Charles, and his mother Renée.

Kangaroo care involves placing the baby on the parent or caregiver’s bare chest, with the baby wearing only a diaper and covered with a shawl. This skin-to-skin contact has numerous health benefits for all babies, but it is especially vital for prematurely born or sick infants.

Research has shown that kangaroo care increases the chance of survival for premature babies and reduces the risk of infections. It also reduces stress, stimulates brain growth, promotes secure attachment, and stabilizes vital functions such as heart rate and breathing. Furthermore, it improves sleep and growth, increases resistance, and shortens hospital stays.

The Strong Babies pouch chair aligns with the World Health Organization’s recommendation for at least 8-24 hours of skin-to-skin contact every day. It allows for uninterrupted kangaroo care, in line with the principles of ‘family-oriented care’ at Zuyderland.

Strong Babies is committed to supporting premature babies and their families. The foundation funds scientific research into the causes and consequences of premature birth and other complications surrounding pregnancy and birth. In addition, they provide pouch chairs to support kangaroo care for premature babies. Strong Babies is a foundation with ANBI status and CBF recognition, dedicated to ensuring that every baby deserves to be born healthy and strong.]
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