Study Shows ‘Abhaibhubejhr’ Papaya Leaves Can Help Fight Dengue Fever Virus

by time news

2023-08-14 08:30:00

‘Abhaibhubejhr’ Study Shows Promise of Papaya Leaves in Fighting Dengue Fever

Dr. Pakakrong Kwankhao, Assistant Director of Thai traditional medicine and alternative medicine at Chaophya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital, has revealed the results of a study showcasing the potential of papaya leaves in combating the dengue fever virus. With the number of dengue fever cases rising nationwide, Dr. Pakakrong emphasizes the importance of preventive measures.

According to data from the Department of Disease Control, dengue fever cases have increased by over 5,000 per week, three times higher than the same period last year. The dengue virus has four strains, and individuals who have previously had dengue fever are at risk of contracting it again, with potentially more severe symptoms. To prevent an outbreak, it is crucial to prevent mosquito bites by using anti-mosquito products and eliminating mosquito breeding grounds.

The symptoms of dengue fever can range from mild to severe. Approximately 80% of patients experience no symptoms, while 10% have mild symptoms and another 10% require hospital treatment due to severe symptoms. Patients should be vigilant for symptoms such as high fever, nausea, vomiting, and abnormal bleeding. If these symptoms occur, it is important to seek medical attention promptly, as the dengue virus can cause a decrease in platelet count.

While there is currently no specific drug for treating the dengue virus, symptomatic treatment is commonly used, including the administration of antipyretic drugs. However, caution should be exercised to avoid medications that may contribute to bleeding disorders. Andrographis paniculata, a herb with research suggesting its ability to inhibit the dengue virus, should not be used if there is bruising or abnormal bleeding.

In vitro studies and 3D simulations have shown that Andrographis paniculata can affect the second strain of the dengue virus. It can be used in the early stages of fever, but should be avoided if there is bleeding. Another herbal medicine, Chanlila, can be used to reduce fever without impacting platelets.

Dr. Pakakrong also mentioned a study conducted at Phen Hospital in Udon Thani Province, which found that papaya leaves have three important mechanisms against the dengue virus. These mechanisms include inhibiting the division of the virus, increasing platelet count, and enhancing immune function. The study also found that papaya leaves were effective in reducing hospital stays for dengue fever patients.

The study at Phen Hospital compared 78 patients who received papaya leaf juice treatment with a control group. The experimental group had shorter hospital stays and faster recovery compared to the control group. Platelet count and body temperature improved more rapidly in the experimental group.

To prepare the papaya leaf juice, 1-3 papaya leaves weighing a total of 20 grams should be washed, cut into small pieces, and thoroughly crushed. The juice should be filtered and mixed with coconut sugar before being refrigerated for no more than 24 hours. Patients, both adults and children, should consume the juice before meals three times a day for 5-7 consecutive days.

The study conducted by ‘Abhaibhubejhr’ offers hope in the fight against dengue fever through the use of papaya leaves. However, it is crucial to continue using preventive measures such as anti-mosquito products and eliminating breeding grounds to effectively combat this mosquito-borne disease.

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