«Stumbling between words», the poems of Anna Maria Rendano

by time news

twelve o’clock, October 22, 2021 – 11:09 pm

Neapolitan literary debut for Liberodiscrivere

“This is a collection of poems written over time, some written during the same night, others, for example, are poems of youth, each poem is independent, the common thread are the events of my life and the emotional state that it is derived. Stumbling between the words, the title I thought of, means a little bit this, it has always been the words that came to meet me from within and from there it was inevitable to give them life. At the end of the book you will find a written by me dedicated to a friend who no longer exists, who “by choice” has decided to leave, a friend whom many of us loved. On the other hand, he wrote, so it was impossible for me to try to publish something for the first time without attaching these words dedicated to him “.

Fulvio Ancona writes for the publishing house Liberodiscrivere:

“When a person asks you to write a preface for his literary work, he entrusts you with an important part of himself, of his Being, he asks you to accompany him to an audience that can, through words, understand not the soul of the author which is indissolubly linked to the profound content of her work, but to open the door to the stage of a life made up of art, of writing.

Anna Maria Rendano is at her first publication and presents us a collection of poems that she gave birth in her still short lived time. It is a casket in which he has kept suggestions, moments of his existence that, although young, he lived with an existential intensity experienced by few.

Each poem is an evocation, full of, a condensation of images that must be read with a careful eye on our feelings. The bond with the world of experiences is indissoluble, not simple words with a gaze aimed at liming the soul of each one. It is not for everyone to tell a life in moments, which is why nothing banal can characterize an existence and these condensates of writing gather in them unique, extraordinary feelings.

It is impossible not to be stunned by the author’s singular poetic refinement, by the complex maturity of her thought that pierces ours like a blade. There is no doubt the profound feeling that clings to us after each reading, which makes us want to read and reread each passage to enter it ever more intimately.

And wondering what could have generated so much density in a young life remains the deepest doubt to turn to.

We will wait for its unveiling in what will be its next productions, meanwhile grateful for these and hoping that that missing flower will blossom in our souls ».

“You are missing like a flower uprooted before blossoming into the earth.”

22 October 2021 | 23:09

© Time.News

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