Sudan.. the death toll rose to 198 dead and 1207 wounded

by time news

2023-04-20 10:23:09

We present to you, our esteemed followers, this news entitled: Sudan.. the death toll rose to 198 dead and 1207 wounded . And now to the details.

Baghdad today – Follow-up The Sudanese Medical Association announced today, Thursday, that the number of civilian casualties since the beginning of the clashes has risen to 198 deaths and 1207 injuries. After the situation in Sudan suddenly exploded, there were corpses without burial and windows shattered by bullets in the limited number of hospitals still operating in the capital, Khartoum, and medical care staff abandoned hospitals in light of the sound of artillery shelling around them. Doctors and hospital staff describe the appalling conditions of the lack of water To clean, there is little electricity to run life-saving equipment, and they run out of food, forcing them to send patients home and refuse entry to any new patients. Some of Sudan’s best hospitals are in central Khartoum, where the fiercest fighting is going on between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, requiring doctors and patients Courage to stand in the face of gunfire and shelling. Earlier, the Sudanese Ministry of Health said that at least 270 people have been killed since the outbreak of violence at the end of last week, and more than 2,600 people have been injured, along with others who still need treatment, which heralds a catastrophe due to the rapid collapse of the care system. Health. Source: Agencies

Sudan.. the death toll rose to 198 dead and 1207 wounded

Note: This news, Sudan.. the number of victims has risen to 198 dead and 1207 wounded, was first published on the (Baghdad Today) website, and our site does not bear its content in any way. You can see the details of the news as it was reported from (The source of the news)

Information about the news: Sudan.. the death toll rose to 198 dead and 1207 wounded

Above, we showed you details and information about the news of Sudan. The number of victims has risen to 198 dead and 1207 wounded. We hope that we have been able to provide you with all the details and information about this news, which was published on our website in the Iraqi News section. It is worth noting that the editorial team transmitted the news and may have modified it or quoted from it, and you can read and follow the developments of this news from the source.

#Sudan. #death #toll #rose #dead #wounded

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