Support from loved ones helps you recover faster after stress

by time news

A large number of people are exposed to psychological stress. It negatively affects human health and well-being. Scientists told how to quickly cope with this condition.

Australian experts have come to the conclusion that those who have loved ones, friends with whom they can share their problems and difficulties in life, more easily experience the negative impact of stress. Epigenetics helps with this. This is an additional information layer located on top of the DNA genes. This layer can influence genes, but the DNA genetic code itself remains unchanged.

To understand how it all works, Australian scientists conducted their own research. They recruited 40 paramedical students in the experiment. Experts studied the state of the subjects before and after a negative stressful event. Samples were taken from the participants for DNA analysis. In addition, they answered the questionnaire, where they talked about their lifestyle and health status before and after a stressful situation.

The result of the work, published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, showed that students who had the support of loved ones, like-minded people, or other social communities, coped with negative consequences faster. In addition, they showed fewer stress-induced epigenetic changes.


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