Survivor spoiler 1/31 exit: LOCKED! He’s leaving!

by time news

Author: Georgia Tsiarli Reading time: 2 minutes

Survivor spoiler 1/31 exit: Released, distributed and valid. Locked survivor spoiler for the player leaving the Survivor this week. The Fighters lose a player in their survival game SKY.

There were two favorites to leave it is the truth. THE Rob James and Sotiris Lamai. Between these two it would be stay or leave, whatever you want to call it… It would be a huge surprise anything else.

Because Stamatis and Alexis Pappas were stronger competitively. After all, one of these two would also have the choice in the final goal. Either way, it’s an advantage.

In the Sportime we had the opportunity to vote. In a negative way. You still can vote HERE the player you want to leave. So to see the trend and what people want.

Survivor spoiler 31/1 departure: The…

Four men were candidates. One of them will leave the game. The original forecast didn’t pan out. Indeed one of Rob James and Sotiris Lamai is the player who will leave Santo Domingo.

Sotiris Lamai is the one who leaves the game. His departure will be voluntary. You will understand. The given is one. After two weeks, Lamai leaves.


This is how Sotiris Lamai leaves

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