Swami Sandipanandgiri’s ashram burning case; Answer to those who mocked Kerala | Deshabhimani

by time news

Those who attacked the government and the Swami were cut off with the revelation that it was an RSS person who burnt Swami Sandipanandagiri’s ashram. With this, the media’s ‘discovery’ that the accused was not caught after four and a half years was part of the collusion. A new revelation has come out that local resident RSS activist Prakash and his friends set fire to the ashram at Kundamankadavu.

What stories were released. The crime branch closed the investigation, the case was dropped because the arsonists were leftists, the Swami himself burnt the ashram to collect insurance money, if the illegal earnings of the Swami are investigated, things will come out and many other stories. Such propaganda was unleashed during the elections as well. Accusations were also spread against the police for not being able to find the accused in the ashram burning case even after four years. However, the crime branch was following the incident. Efforts were made to find the accused with accurate evidence. The new revelation came after the efforts of the police. It is also clear that the accused is the person who caused problems by coming to the Ashram earlier. After burning, a wreath was also placed in front of the ashram with the words “Adaranjalikar” written on it.

Prakash has committed atrocities before and I am happy that the false propaganda has been broken

Swami Sandeepananda Giri said that he is happy that the false propaganda related to the burning of his ashram has been dispelled. There was widespread propaganda that he had burnt the ashram. It is not one person behind the attack but others in the group.
A year before the fire, RSS worker Prakash had trespassed into the ashram. A 14-year-old Nepali boy who lived in the ashram accused him of spying on someone who was bathing in the river, and thirty people led by Prakash tried to beat the boy. But he stopped them. Then the boy went home. However, this incident was fabricated. Not giving sides to the vehicle, stopping the vehicle, diverting those coming to the ashram etc. Sangh Parivar is behind this. Sandeepananda Giri said that security should be arranged for Prashanth who revealed the truth.

Satyam Prashant says…

Prakash told me about this a few days before his death. He was an RSS activist. A friend of his from Jagathi, Thiruvananthapuram was taken into custody late last year in connection with the case of burning the ashram. With that he was totally disturbed. He told me that he and his brothers from Kundamankadav burned the ashram of Sandeepanandagiri. Scolded him a lot. But he was worried. He committed suicide after a few days. He was not at home in the days before his death. Even if you come in between, the friends of this Kundaman Kadav will come and take you away. After Prakash’s death, he was under a lot of stress. The co-accused’s lives should not be weighed; if the incident came to light, the women in their house threatened to do something drastic. However, even after the death of his brother, the co-accused were happy. No one has been seen here since his death.’

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