tamil nadu public exam: 10th, 11th, 12th class students happy; Minister’s definite announcement came! – school education minister anbil mahesh poyyamozhi said that the public examination will be held for 10th, 11th and 12th class students in tamil nadu this year

by time news


  • Happy News for 10th, 11th and 12th grade students
  • Ministerial Planning Notice
  • 10th, 11th, 12th class general examination will be held strictly

Speaking to reporters at the Chennai General Secretariat this morning, Anbil Mahesh said:

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“This year’s general examination will be held for 10th, 11th and 12th class students in Tamil Nadu. Various measures are being taken for this purpose.

Whoever is at fault in the Tanjore student suicide case will be given due punishment. This should not happen again in the future. Students will be asked to comment on conversion.

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In addition, a committee investigation will be conducted on behalf of the school education department into the student suicide. The investigation is being conducted not only by the police but also by the school education department.

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So please, let no one politicize the Tanjore student suicide issue. The proselytizing allegation, which various organizations accuse, was not mentioned by anyone during the trial.

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Based on this allegation, comments are being received from students who have already graduated from the school and are currently studying. “

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