“Terrorist attack in Namissiguia: Why IB should not ‘gentrify'” (Daouda Émile Ouédraogo)

by time news

2023-06-29 17:34:34


This is a column by Daouda Émile Ouédraogo (DEO), a citizen of Burkina Faso, on national news.

On the eve of the Tabaski festival, a terrorist attack caused more than thirty deaths in the ranks of the fighting forces. Here, it makes me think of Algeria, where in the hot hours of terrorism, they were always waiting for a party to signal themselves. It’s a signature. It’s already a lead.

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The circumstances of the attack described in the press release from the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces send shivers down the spine. Since the dramas of Inata and Deou, this loss figure had been shelved.

For what ? Because when you’re building up, that kind of loss shouldn’t be suffered. Of 2 things one. Either Captain IB is losing esteem, or the initial hopes placed in him are dwindling according to “his gentrification”.

A few examples: when Captain IB took power, the economic scandals over the fine coal affair, over the patrimolization of power, over the management of sovereignty contracts, could not prevail. Because he had set the tone and the tempo. “Everything is urgent…” The ship flying the Burkina Faso flag had to be righted.

After the first galvanizing speeches, facts and acts in the management of the life of our nation, question the commitments of departure of the captain President. And, I’ll tell you why.

Slogans only have power when we embody them. Words only have meaning when actions translate them into reality. Example: It is difficult to understand that you say to produce and consume Burkinabè when after 3 months of power, no strong action has been taken to prove that we can protect our economies, thanks to intelligent protectionism.

Better still, the initial Sankarist discourse changed to making soft eyes at the Bretton Woods institutions (IMF, BM,), to giving our financial sovereignty to a French company and the storage of our personal data to a Chinese company, specialized in espionage: HUAWEI (cf. AU headquarters scandals in Ethiopia and US accusations with supporting evidence.)

Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result!” » To speak like the youth of the ghetto: « IB, what did we do to you? Shouldn’t we do this please? Sorry, come back down to earth and clean up. The people of Burkina Faso have placed real hope in you, because, all things considered, you are bringing Sankara back to life for us.

In fact, that’s what I thought. But, the way you’re going, I’m afraid. I’m no intelligence expert, but when a convoy is attacked returning from its food donation mission, the message is clear: there are moles among you. And, the people of Burkina Faso should not be caught up in your sensitivities.

What to do ?

Be a Man of Honour. A real soldier like Sankara was. The eras are different but, adapt to the context without doing the evasiveness. Assume yourself. Take courageous decisions in the face of economic scandals revealed by the newspapers. Protect and defend the full sovereignty of the country. Above all, always be accountable to the people, telling them the truth. The people will always be happy to know that their President has told them the truth, no matter how difficult the situation.

Another subject and not the least. The recent diplomatic ballet of the Bretton Woods institutions, coupled with that of the United Nations at the bedside of Burkina only aim to bring us closer to them. This is good, ironically, insofar as they hold us by the finances. But, beyond that, these institutions are making soft eyes in Faso with a view to weakening Mali, which, at the bottom of the wave, held firm to say no to certain practices.

As Faso gets together with Mali, if these institutions close the tap in Burkina Faso, they will have 2 enemies in West Africa. This is not good insofar as we must work not to exacerbate anti-Western sentiment.

So the solution is to get Captain IB to drop his Sankarist speech which does not suit Bretton Woods, and in return, the funding rains down. I could be wrong but in any case, you have to assume and tell the truth to the people. “My greatest fear is to betray this people,” Captain President said to the students at the University of Koudougou.

Daouda Emile Ouedraogo (DEO)

[email protected]



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