Thai Youth Academy Promotes Condom Campaigning for New Generations

by time news

2023-09-10 16:06:00
Thai Youth Academy – ThaiHealth encourages the younger generation to produce media campaigns promoting the use of condoms. With alarming statistics showing 134 pregnant teenagers and a high number of syphilis patients among young people, the team from Sripatum University, Siam Business Administration Technological College, and Ayutthaya Nusorn School emerged as winners. They now have the opportunity to expand their advertising media to raise social awareness through various channels.

Dr. Chatwut Wangwan, Director of the Health Risk Factor Control Support Office at the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, explained that Thai Health Promotion Foundation and the Youth Institute of Thailand (YT) organized an advertising media contest. The aim was to promote a positive image of condoms in normal lifestyles under the theme “Condom All Gen Enjoy with Condoms.” Over 200 students from across the country submitted their work, reflecting the growing openness to discussing sexual health in society.

The Bureau of Reproductive Health, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health revealed that in 2021, Thailand had a birth rate of 49,018 women aged between 10 and 19 years, averaging 134 births per day. Teenage pregnancy has various implications, such as lower incomes for pregnant teenagers, with the research by TDRI showing a significant income drop for those who left school permanently due to pregnancy.

Although the Prevention and Solution of Adolescent Pregnancy Problem Act 2016 promotes continuous education, comprehensive counseling, and career opportunities for pregnant teenagers, preventing adolescent pregnancy is crucial. Sexually transmitted diseases are also a concern, with data from the Department of Disease Control showing a steady increase in the rate of sexually transmitted diseases among youth aged 15-24 over the past five years.

Dr. Chatwut emphasized that ThaiHealth has previously focused on communicating about gender issues to promote understanding and discussion within society. The ongoing campaign, “Talking about Sex, Reducing Chances of Mistakes,” aims to encourage sexual communication within families and prevent teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Now, ThaiHealth is utilizing media to create a positive image of condoms and promote open discussions about sex, particularly among adolescents.

Mr. Surachet Phosang, Deputy Secretary-General of the Thai Youth Academy of Thailand, highlighted the importance of promoting a positive image of condoms in all aspects of life, including communication and portability among adolescents. There has been a challenge in society, where some adults consider condoms for teenagers as inappropriate. This attitude negatively impacts teenagers’ willingness to use condoms, such as not carrying them due to fear of parents discovering them or feeling uncomfortable requesting condoms from community service points.

To address these issues, guidelines were developed to foster participation between children, youth, and parents, involving educational institutions nationwide. This culminated in an advertising media contest under the theme “Condom All Gen Enjoy with Condoms,” with 206 submissions divided into university, vocational, and secondary school levels. The winners from Sripatum University, Siam Business Administration Technological College, and Ayutthaya Nusorn School were awarded plaques from the Minister of Public Health and scholarships worth one hundred thousand baht.

These exceptional works produced in the contest have the potential to be utilized and further developed as advertising media that can effectively promote the importance of condoms in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy across all channels.]
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