the “Advantage” cards soon to be less generous, what does that change?

by time news

2023-07-17 11:26:56

► What is the Advantage Card?

The Avantage card costs €49 per year and comes in three categories: Avantage Jeune (for 12 to 27 years old), Avantage Adulte (27 to 59 years old) and Avantage Senior (over 60 years old). It allows to benefit from reduced fares of 30% and capped, provided for 28-59 year olds to carry out part of their journey during a weekend.

► What are the new rules?

The purchase price of the card remains unchanged, but the ceilings increase. They were until now €39 for journeys of less than 1 hour 30 minutes (about 25% of journeys), €59 for journeys between 1 hour 30 and 3 hours (50%) and €79 for longer journeys (25%). After August 29, these ceilings will be increased by €10, thus rising to a maximum of €49, 69 and €89 respectively.

The SNCF justifies this increase as a “tariff shield” against a backdrop of a sharp rise in its costs (+13% for the TGV in 2023) induced by inflation and the jump in electricity prices. The company points out that the advantages offered by the cards had not been affected by the last price increase which came into force on January 10, which had seen the tickets for the main lines increase by 5%.

► Who will this concern?

This increase in ceilings does not change anything for customers who do not have the Avantage card, “nor even for most of the beneficiaries of the Avantage card because they pay in most cases less than the ceiling price”, advance the SNCF

In addition, with the new fares coming into effect on August 29, travelers who book tickets before that date for their trip until the fall will still be able to benefit from the current ceilings. The SNCF has already opened the sale of tickets until December 9.

#Advantage #cards #generous #change

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