The Advantages of a Low Carb Diet: Reduced Cravings, Improved Fat Metabolism, and Effective Weight Loss

by time news

2023-06-19 14:06:20

Low carb: these are the advantages

The low carb diet is very popular: some people use it to lose weight, while others see the health benefits. But how healthy is a low carb diet really?

1. Less cravings

Aiming to burn more energy than you take in can lead to constant hunger pangs, which can trigger cravings and ultimately lead to diet failure. One benefit of a low carb diet is that it automatically craving for food can reduce, for a longer saturation care and that feeling of hunger reduced. Studies have shown that people who follow a low-carb diet automatically consume fewer calories on average than people in comparison groups who prefer other diets.

2. Improvement of fat metabolism

An important indicator of fat metabolism is the triglyceride level in the blood. A permanent increase in these values ​​can lead to cardiovascular diseases. A high intake of carbohydrates, especially fast-acting simple sugars like fructose, can contribute to elevated triglyceride levels. By avoiding carbohydrate-rich foods, especially those with a high fructose content, it has been shown that the Lowered triglyceride levels and thus that Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease can be.

3. Reduction of visceral fat tissue

There are two types of adipose tissue in the body that have different health implications: visceral fat, also known as abdominal fat, and subcutaneous fat, which is found under the skin. While subcutaneous fat performs important protective functions for the body, visceral fat is associated with inflammation. As mentioned earlier, the low carb diet is very effective at reduction of body fat. In addition, studies have shown that a greater proportion of the fat lost comes from visceral adipose tissue compared to low-fat diets. This factor can lead to a reducing health risks associated with abdominal visceral fat.

4. Improvement in blood sugar levels

Carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars in the digestive tract and then enter the bloodstream, increasing blood sugar levels. As a result, the hormone insulin, which is responsible for transporting blood sugar, is released. Blood sugar is either used directly for energy generation or stored in the body. In healthy individuals, this process leads to a rapid lowering of blood sugar levels. However, in people with insulin resistance, insulin cannot work effectively and blood sugar levels remain high for longer. This increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A simple way to avoid high blood sugar levels is to avoid carbohydrates, as this reduces blood sugar levels and insulin secretion.

5. Effective weight loss

Cutting out carbohydrates has proven to be one of the most effective approaches to weight loss proven. Research has shown that people who follow a low-carb diet lose weight faster than those who only eat a low-fat diet. In order to maintain weight in the long term, however, this form of nutrition should not be regarded as a diet, but as a long-term nutritional style.

Worth reading: Delicious recipes for biscuits, cakes and Co. >>

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