The “African Solidarity” association tracks down miners

by time news

The African Solidarity Association (AAS) through its health caravan organized from February 21 to 24, 2023 in Houndé, a multi-disease voluntary screening campaign for the benefit of the populations and workers of Houndé Gold.

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After the cities of Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso…, the health caravan of the African Solidarity Association (AAS) dropped off suitcases in Tuy precisely on the Houndé Gold mining site. As usual, she unpacked her medical kit to take the pulse of the health of the workers. Screening for hepatitis, diabetes, HIV testing…were the main activities of the caravan during its visit. Women of childbearing age also benefited from anemia screening.

In Houndé in the province of Tuy, around a hundred workers from the Houndé Gold mine were screened from February 21 to 24, 2023 as part of this caravan. “We work a lot and don’t have time to go to health facilities to find out about our state of health. If they manage to approach us, it is very good for us employees to know our state of health”, rejoiced Daniel Kientega.

Several screening tests have been carried out…

For his colleague, Ramata Barry, it is an opportunity and a chance for all employees to know their state of health. “That’s why we went out massively to get tested, to know our state of health,” she said.

Over 600 male and female participants got tested thanks to Corporate Health (SEE), AAS and financial support from the Endeavor Foundation. Fatigue, pressure, stress… are often sources of many illnesses for employees in the services.

And, this campaign has enabled mine workers to diagnose their state of health and make arrangements for the occurrence of any illnesses, explained the AAS company health project manager, Philémon Ouédraogo.

…for the benefit of the workers who thanked the association for its initiative.
…for the benefit of the workers who thanked the association for its initiative.

“We screened for HIV, diabetes, hypertension… After the exams, we have doctors to give advice and to follow up the people screened,” specified Mr. Ouedraogo.

According to the head of planning and monitoring and evaluation of the health district of Houndé, Lionel Abolon, this campaign will allow them to review their arsenal of data collection which in the long run will facilitate the implementation of activities to be able to kick off these different diseases.

The Hygiene Safety Environment (HSE) Director, Frédéric Somé, thanked the organizers and participants for the mobilization. According to AAS officials, after Houndé, other localities in the country will receive the caravan for free screenings for various diseases.



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