The Amazone sport academy Association mobilizes girl students around sports practice

by time news

2023-11-09 23:12:50

Views: 8

Some images of the activities carried out

Encourage sports participation among girls. This is the mission that the Amazone Sport Academy Association (2ASA) is trying to accomplish through the initiation and training gala for young girls in beach soccer, beach badminton and beach volleyball. It is in this context that the first edition was held at Grand Popo from Friday November 3 to Sunday November 5, 2023. During this activity supported by the French Embassy thanks to the “Sport au Féminin” program and by the National Fund for the development of youth, sports and leisure activities (technical support), the president of the Association, Isabelle Agondjotè, and her colleagues raised awareness, initiated and then evaluated the participants over the 3 days.

Thus, the first activity of the delegation of the Amazone Sports Academy Association (2ASA) was devoted to raising awareness of the practice of sport among female students at CEG Grand-Popo. It took place in the presence of the Director and the Censor of the college. During this, the benefits of sport were presented to the students. Saying they liked the association’s approach, they promised to take up sport. It was then that several of them signed up to follow the rest of the activities. The said continuation was marked by training on the rules of play of beach soccer, beach volleyball and beach badminton. Speaking of the training, they took place on Saturday, and were provided by the technician Adicatou Adam (beach soccer), the instructor Honorine Ballovi (beach volleyball) and the badminton coach Anaïs Inès PIERRESS (Air badminton). in his specialty showed the useful gestures, that is to say the different techniques and fundamentals for successful practice. To assess the receptivity of the initiated participants, fifty in beach soccer, twenty in beach badminton and around thirty in beach volleyball) were tested. This is through mini-evaluation tournaments organized on Sunday, November 5 for their benefit. On this occasion, the best performed well and were awarded prizes.

The family photo at the end of the sessions

It should be noted that all these introductory and advanced workshops took place at the beach of the Grand-Popo International Cooperation House with enthusiasm and passion among the ranks of the young girls. It was in the presence of the head of the sports department of the Departmental Sports Directorate of Mono, Christian Vignonzan, the president of Zone 3 volleyball, Ali Yaro, the secretary general of the Fbvb, Romain Ahlinvi, the presidents of the Ouémé leagues -Plateau and Atlantique-Littoral volleyball team, Crescencia Tossou and Brice Adébi, from the promoter of Mahudonou sports academy, Ghislain Tomèdé without forgetting the Senegalese expert from the International Volleyball Federation, Déme M’Baye.


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