The Anpi raises the barricades: «Denying Martin Sellner entry into Italy, his xenophobic initiatives are dangerous» – News

by times news cr

2024-04-27 07:27:17

BOLZANO. “The announced meeting on May 5th” between the South Tyrolean provincial councilor, Jürgen Wirth Anderlanand the leader of the Austrian far right, Martin Sellner“is explicitly aimed at extend Sellner’s dangerous xenophobic initiatives to our land tooin particular, those on the so-called ‘re-migration’ and the deportation of millions of migrants“. He states it Anpi Alto Adige Suedtirolwhich asks for deny entry to Italy to the Austrian politician. In a note, the partisan association “reiterates for the umpteenth time that Martin Sellner is leader of the far-right group Austrian Identity Movement (IBÖ), openly xenophobic and racist organisation, linked to neo-Nazi groups and other European far-right movements such as the AfD in Germany, the subject of numerous investigations and judicial measures. Great Britain and the USA have already considered him a dangerous figure denying him an entry visa. Germany is thinking about it.”

“In Austria and Germany hundreds of thousands of citizens are mobilizing against racism and in defense of democracy. Politics, institutions, civil society of a multicultural land like ours they cannot be conniving, or remain indifferent in the face of clear and full-blown violations of the Constitution and the Italian and European laws in force”, concludes Anpi.

2024-04-27 07:27:17

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