The Arab world in dispersed order in the face of the global crisis

by time news

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From Mauritania to Iraq via Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon or the countries of the Persian Gulf: the countries of the Maghreb and the Middle East are all experiencing the same crisis economic, but of very different intensities. In the middle of Ramadan, when food expenses are higher, the high inflation linked to the price of raw materials is a difficulty for many families.

Other countries are more resistant to the consequences of the war in Ukraine, thanks to the windfalls of oil and gas. Algeria, in particular, is courted by several European countries such as Italy, Spain or France.

What to expect in the next few weeks? Famines, food riots? Should we fear new Arab springs? What are the possible remedies?


Alexandre Kateb, economist specializing in emerging markets, professor at Sciences Po Paris, founder of the strategic consulting firm The Multipolarity Reportauthor de « Arab Economies on the Move – A New Development Model for the MENA Region » (editions by Boeck)

Nasser Kamel, general secretary of the Union for the Mediterranean.


With the approach of the legislative elections in Lebanon, scheduled for May 15, 2022, and in a context of serious economic crisis, Nicolas Falez went to meet an exasperated population against a political class deemed corrupt and ineffective.

► To listen on RFI: the major report “Lebanon: from protest to the ballot box”.


At each election in the major democracies, economic issues are at the heart of the debates: purchasing power, poverty, inequality, pensions, deindustrialisation, protectionism, the weight of migration. Opposing visions, fractures appear, often around so-called populist themes: the denunciation of the elites and their supposedly disconnected politics.

To add their stone to the debate, 17 French economic experts have written a collective work entitled ” Economists respond to populists” (Editions Odile Jacob).

We welcome one of the authors, Françoise Benhamou, co-president of the Circle of economists, professor at Sorbonne Paris Nord, specialist in the economics of culture and the media.

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