“The Benefits and Risks of Molokhia: Improving Heart Health, Regulating Digestion, and More – Updated Friday 05 May 2023”

by time news

2023-05-05 11:00:10

Molokhia is a plant of Egyptian origin, and it is one of the famous dishes in many Arab countries. It includes many health benefits and contains high levels of vitamins and minerals that help in promoting the health of the body. It also contains potassium, which helps in regulating blood pressure and promoting health. the heart.

Molokhia is a food rich in dietary fiber that regulates digestion and prevents constipation. It also helps relieve colon symptoms.

Therefore, adding molokhia to the healthy diet can have positive results on the health of the body.

The benefits of mallow

Molokhia is an Egyptian plant that is very beneficial for the health of the body, containing more than 30 components and compounds that promote health in many ways.

One of the most important benefits of Molokhia is improving heart health and controlling blood pressure thanks to its potassium content. It also contains dietary fibers that help reduce bad cholesterol in the body and improve good cholesterol, which protects the heart and reduces the chance of various diseases.

In addition, it helps regulate digestion, prevent constipation, and relieve colon symptoms.

It cannot be ignored that Molokhia has a long history in the Egyptian food culture, as it was famous as the food of kings, because it contains many health benefits, and it was and still is one of the main foods in the diet of many people in the world.

Damage mallow

The mallow plant has many health benefits, however, you should not eat large amounts of mallow daily, as it leads to high blood pressure.

In some cases, molokhia causes harm to health, especially for patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

This plant contains ingredients that irritate the colon, causing severe bloating, stool disturbances, and colitis

Therefore, Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients or anyone with similar health issues should avoid eating Molokhia and the more popular Molokhia sandwiches.

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