the best tricks and home remedies

by time news

The cold that sets in on a daily basis when we say goodbye to autumn brings with it special dates such as the December holidays or the always-awaited Christmas, but it also means the return of seasonal illnesses such as colds or the flu and, with them, sore throats.

Although it is always advisable to go to our doctor in the case of acute discomfort so that they can prescribe the appropriate treatment, there are a number of home natural remedies and tricks that we can carry out in our house to alleviate the pain.

Gargle with warm water and salt

Gargling four to six times a day with warm water and a pinch of salt can help to relieve discomfort. A trick with elements that we all have at home and that can be very effective.

Half a minute each time is enough for the water to warm the throat and the salt to absorb the inflamed mucous membrane cells.

Honey in your drink or in a tablespoon

Adding a tablespoon of honey to our hot drink (infusion or milk) achieves the effect of softening our throat. With the cold, you want to drink liquids that help us alleviate the cold and, incidentally, protect ourselves from the inside.

It is also useful to take a spoonful of honey directly since it works as an antiseptic, but it is important to remember that children under one year of age cannot take honey because it may contain the bacteria that causes botulism in babies.

Eucalyptus vases

In a pot you boil water with some eucalyptus leaves, once it begins to release its vapor, place yourself with your face over the pot, make sure you remove it before the fire so that the heat is reduced and the steam does not harm you- and put a towel on the neck to concentrate the space and let the eucalyptus enter your throat, breathing through your mouth.

baking soda and lemon

One or two glasses of water with baking soda and a squeeze of lemon a day has an antibacterial effect that, although it does not have the best flavor, is very effective in caring for our throat.


Ginger contains magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, properties that help our well-being. It acts as an inflammatory and, in flu-like processes, it can greatly relieve our irritated throat.

All you have to do is grate a few small pieces of natural ginger and add them to the water when it boils to prepare an infusion that will also have a rich flavor.

Mint candies or black licorice, having a humidifier in our house or trying not to force our voice too much by speaking little, are complements that we can add to the tricks so that our throat feels relief in times of seasonal conditions.

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