The bill on the promotion of cultural heritage adopted

by time news

2023-08-08 20:06:10


The bill on the protection, safeguarding and enhancement of cultural heritage in Burkina Faso was adopted by the members of the hemicycle on Tuesday August 8, 2023.

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« This law on the safeguarding, protection and enhancement of cultural heritage significantly and effectively strengthens the governance of the cultural heritage sector in general, whether it is tangible cultural heritage or intangible cultural heritage. “Explained the minister in charge of culture, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo.

According to him, this law devotes many innovations which concern all the aspects which today allow the Ministry of Culture and all the actors involved in the question of the safeguarding, protection and enhancement of heritage maternal and immaterial cultural heritage to have the necessary tools to be able today to secure the elements of the heritage.

« Today, this text takes into account the protection of these tangible and intangible assets in times of armed conflict, which is nevertheless a very important aspect. There is the issue of promotion which is also addressed, and many provisions which today allow all the actors to mobilize to ensure the transmission, but also to ensure that these elements of our intangible tangible cultural heritage contributes significantly to making our country a popular destination for tourists and all those who are curious to discover the authenticity and pride of our peoples “, he said.

Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo Minister of Culture

Speaking of promoting cultural heritage, national languages ​​should not be omitted, because in the words of Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, ” national languages ​​are the vehicle of our culture which amounts to saying that it is important to work for their preservation, but also for their promotion. To do this, the head of the culture department reassures that measures are underway.

« This is a question that is handled by the Ministry of Culture in good agreement with the Ministry of National Education and the Promotion of National Languages ​​within which a certain number of actions in line with the promotion strategy are being carried out… We are in the process of promoting our national languages, and that we can work to ensure that these languages ​​regain their value “, confided Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo.

In addition to these aspects, the promotion of tourist sites, living human treasures, and the production of cartoon films also animated the debates. These various articles were adopted by the members of the legislative assembly.

Sié Frédéric KAMBOU

Burkina 24



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