The Bundestag proposed to confiscate the property of Russian oligarchs | News from Germany about Germany | DW

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The real estate of Russian oligarchs in Germany could be confiscated as sanctions in the event of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, said Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, deputy chairman of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) faction in the Bundestag. He stated this on the evening air of Bild TV on Sunday, February 13.

According to him, some oligarchs from Russia “have huge holdings in Berlin.” “If we’re not certain about the source of the funds used to finance X’s real estate, we should requisition X’s real estate,” Lambsdorf suggested.

He mentioned restriction of freedom of movement and freezing of accounts as other punitive measures. “We should take a more political approach to this issue of sanctions, so far we have been dominated by a purely legal understanding of sanctions,” the Bundestag deputy said.

“End of relations with Europe”

According to Lambsdorf, it should be clear to President Putin that an attack on Ukraine would mean “the end of relations with Europe.” Economic interaction in this case will be reduced to an absolute minimum, a ban on certain types of activities will be introduced, and the refinancing of Russian banks will become extremely difficult.

“Economic price (invasion of Ukraine. – Ed.) will be as high as never before,” Lambsdorf said.

Steinmeier called on Putin to resolve the Ukrainian conflict

Earlier in the day, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, re-elected President of Germany, called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to urgently begin a peaceful settlement of the conflict over Ukraine.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

“I appeal to President Putin. Loosen the noose around the neck of Ukraine, look with us for a path that will keep peace in Europe,” Steinmeier stressed.

Chancellor Scholz travels to Kiev and Moscow

On February 14, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz begins a visit to Kiev, where he will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, after which he will hold talks in Moscow with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on February 15.

West fears Russian invasion of Ukraine

The West is talking about the concentration of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border and the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. In the second half of 2021 and early 2022, the Russian Federation deployed more than 100 thousand military personnel to the annexed Crimea and to the border with Ukraine. The Kremlin denies plans for military aggression.

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