the CNT and IFES are active for a Constitution sensitive to gender – Information in Guinea and in the world

by time news

2023-04-29 17:42:27

«Constitution sensible au genre is the theme of a conference-debate organized from April 27 to 28, 2023 in Conakry by the National Council for the Transition (CNT) in partnership with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) through the support project for the Transition and Electoral Processes (STEP), with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID.

OOrganized as a prelude to the drafting of the new Constitution, this activity has the overall objective of achieving an inclusive approach to the development of a gender-sensitive constitution for the future generation.

« The debate for an increased representation of women and people living with disabilities in the perspective of the forthcoming establishment of institutions thus improving their participation in decision-making bodies is being conducted. In addition, the expected results of this action are: Officials and authorities are sensitized for a gender-sensitive constitution; Mechanisms promoting equal access for men and women are put in place by the authorities and the Institutions of the Transition; Beneficiaries are made aware and have made commitments for the inclusion of people with disabilities to end their discrimination“, are the expected results.

Speaking, Mountaga Sylla, resident representative of IFES in Guinea said that this activity is part of the implementation of the support project for the transition and electoral processes (STEP) which started on December 1, 2022 and which has two areas of intervention both on electoral reform issues by supporting the CNT and the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, civil society organizations, the High authority of communication on questions related to laws and in particular the Constitution.

Mountaga Sylla, IFES Resident Representative in Guinea

“What brings us together this morning. The second aspect of our intervention is citizen participation and or the involvement of civil society in the process of advocacy and support for electoral reforms. There is an axis which is transverse. This is the notion of exclusivity and inclusion. This is why we did not hesitate to support this activity“said the boss of IFES in Guinea.

In her speech for the occasion, Hadja Maïmouna Yombouno, 1st Vice-President of the CNT said that a gender-sensitive constitution sets rules of equity and provides for laws and institutions to fight for equality, against discrimination in all its forms.

Hadja Maïmouna Yombouno, 1st Vice-President of the CNT

“This inclusive approach, bringing together all the living forces of the country, must make it possible to aggregate all opinions and sensitivities, with a view to a national consensus around the content of the Constitution which will be validated by referendum. A gender-sensitive constitution lays down rules of equity and provides for laws and institutions to fight for equality, against discrimination in all its forms, and against all kinds of violence against women. The gender-sensitive constitution and laws are intended to eliminate or at least block any idea or order of roles and powers devolved specifically to men and women. Only a strong social mobilization and a synergy of actions of all the actors intervening in the scope of those that the CNT aims at will make it possible to increase the effectiveness, the efficiency, the sustainability and the coherence of the actions of fight for the gender equality and equity in political, economic, social and cultural life“, she added.

During these two days, 119 people from public institutions, political parties, civil society and technical and financial partners will discuss topics such as: “Introduction to the gender approach (key concepts, gender and politics) ”; “the legal and institutional framework in Guinea”; “the role and place of young people and women in electoral processes (participation, involvement, issues and challenges, etc.)”; “taking gender into account in the action of political actors (participation of young people and women in decision-making bodies, mechanisms for taking gender into account in the Constitutions”; “the theme of gender in electoral processes”; “EMB inclusion strategies and best practices, gender and inclusion in the DRC.

According to the organizers, the conclusions resulting from these debates will be summarized in a report which will be sent to the CNT as a prelude to the drafting of the new Constitution.

The first day was marked by the presence of the governor of the city of Conakry, the vice president of the central bank and Colonel Aminata Diallo, director general of the national social security fund and spokesperson for the CNRD.

Mohamed Aly Barry

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