The collective of players in the mining sector is campaigning to boost the sector

by time news

2023-10-21 17:12:31

In its drive to revitalize the mining sector, the collective of actors in the mining sector of Burkina held a general assembly this Saturday, October 21, 2023 in Ouagadougou. Several points were on the agenda for this meeting.

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Following the shortcomings experienced by the Niankorodougou mine, stakeholders in the mining sector deemed it appropriate to set up a coalition to prevent these incidents in the future: The collective of stakeholders in the mining sector of Burkina. Since its creation some time ago now, these actors who have decided to take their destiny into their own hands have been campaigning body and soul to breathe new life into the mining sector in Burkina Faso.

Patrice Thiombiano, collective information officer

« This collective perfects normal things. This collective aspires to the ideals of the new transition. And whoever talks about the new transition talks about revolutionizing the mining sector, and I think that for a long time, the mining boom that everyone knows has been one of the pillars of the Burkinabè economy. I think it is time that we say no to certain excesses.

Let us say no to mining resources being distributed and monopolized by certain investors. This collective which has seen the light of day will have the privilege of saying loud and clear before these authorities, before the Nation that we really need reform. », indicated Patrice Thiombiano, information officer for the collective.

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To follow through on their ideas, the members of the collective met on the morning of Saturday October 21, 2023, where it was a question of setting up an office and also identifying perspectives, to have a greater impact on the field. Through this, actions will then be carried out with a view to boosting the mining sector in Burkina Faso, according to Amédé Sawadogo, president of the collective.

Amédé Sawadogo, president of the collective

« In terms of the mining sector, our contribution will be to truly understand the mining sector as a whole. As active members in the field, we really know the issues that exist in the sector…

Between miners and miners there have always been situations and communities also take advantage in one way or another to make excesses, how can we avoid these excesses, how can we really have a profitable activity? winner, will be our fighting field », unpacked Amédé Sawadogo.

The collective of actors in the mining sector of Burkina has around 400 members, from different localities of the country. Their main objective is, among other things, to regularize the defects that the mining sector has been experiencing for a long time.

Sié Frédéric KAMBOU

Burkina 24



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