The Dangers of Chewing Gum: Health Risks and Side Effects Revealed by Dentist Yelena Martynova

by time news

2024-01-04 18:23:27
Chewing Gum for More Than Three Minutes Causes Health Problems, Says Dentist

In a recent interview with Al-Marsad newspaper, dentist Yelena Martynova warned of the potential health risks associated with chewing gum for extended periods of time. According to Martynova, regularly chewing gum for more than three minutes can lead to various health problems, including gastritis and erosion, misaligned teeth, and malocclusion.

Martynova explained that chewing gum is essentially a rubbery, inedible substance that is flavored and sweetened with ingredients such as cane sugar, beet sugar, corn syrup, and aromatic substances. She emphasized that the most dangerous types of chewing gum are those that contain sugar, as they contribute to the multiplication of bacteria that cause tooth decay and disrupt the bacterial balance in the oral cavity, leading to disturbances in the digestive system.

The dentist also highlighted the physiological effects of chewing gum, noting that it can significantly increase saliva secretion, leading the brain to interpret the act of chewing as food consumption. As a result, the stomach secretes a large amount of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice. Martynova warned that regular gum chewing, especially several times a day, can lead to increased acidity, gastritis, and headaches in individuals prone to migraine attacks.

This warning brings to light the potential negative impacts of a seemingly harmless habit and underscores the importance of being mindful of the potential health consequences of everyday actions. It also serves as a reminder to prioritize oral and digestive health in our daily routines.]
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