The delegation headed by Serdar Kilic proposed to the RA representatives to provide Syunik a particular standing. Turkologist – 2024-05-24 08:35:48

by times news cr

2024-05-24 08:35:48

Turkey’s pro-government newspaper “Türkiye Gazetesi” revealed fascinating particulars from the Armenian-Turkish negotiations that befell in the course of the diplomatic discussion board in Antalya, Turkologist Varuzhan Geghamyan wrote.

“In keeping with the sources of the newspaper, the Turkish delegation led by Serdar Kılıç proposed to the representatives of RA to provide Syunik marz (Zangezur) a particular standing with a mannequin just like that of Kaliningrad, which is linked to Russia, however on the identical time has the standing of an autonomous marz.”

The truth that the principle goal of the Turkey-Azerbaijan couple is now Syunik is past doubt, however these particulars are essential for us to grasp the present ways of the enemy (see about this on this article).

Within the context of this information, the Turkish-Azerbaijani propaganda about “Western Zangezur” turns into comprehensible. within the close to future, it’s seemingly that after guaranteeing the settlement of Azerbaijanis, a particular standing of Syunik beneath the management of Turkey might be supplied to tear Syunik aside. That is just like the destiny of Nakhichevan.

And if the newspaper’s data is right, then we now know what the de facto representatives of Armenia are negotiating with Erdogan throughout their “everlasting contact”.

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