The Electoral Board of Madrid rejects the request of the PSOE to review 30,000 invalid votes

by time news

2023-07-30 18:26:35

The Provincial Electoral Board of Madrid has rejected the PSOE’s request to review more than 30,000 invalid votes in the general elections, as has been able to confirm. The PSOE has already reported that it will submit the petition to the Central Electoral Board.

The PSOE asks the Electoral Board to review 30,000 invalid votes in Madrid


“There is no reason for possible irregularities in the null vote that require from this Electoral Board the extraordinary review that is requested of us,” says the letter of the Provincial Electoral Board that the general secretary of the PP of Madrid, Alfonso Serrano, has shared in his twitter account.

The PSOE had requested that the 30,300 null votes that have been cast in Madrid be reviewed after having completed the general scrutiny that has confirmed that the PP has obtained 137 seats, one more than on the night of 23J due to the votes of the Spaniards residing in abroad, the CERA vote.

The Socialists have presented a letter to this Board in which they state that “the reduced vote necessary for the PSOE to obtain its eleventh deputy for the Madrid constituency with respect to the invalid vote declared in the minutes of the polling stations proves the importance of the revision of all the null votes in the ballot box”.

And it is that after the recount of the CERA vote and the confirmation that the former UPN deputy Carlos García Adanero had obtained a seat for Madrid, subtracting it from the former socialist mayor of Alcalá de Henares Javier Palacios, the PSOE considers that the margin of 1,323 votes with which has run out of minutes justifies the opening and review of all the ballot envelopes where the null votes must be recorded.

The claim points out that there would be 30,302 invalid votes, without computing the invalid votes of the CERA count, which would mean 0.84% ​​of the votes that appear in the counting records of the electoral tables and sections of the province of Madrid.


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