The experience of an American doctor overcoming an infection! | Dynamics

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Maryland: Dr. Bahim Younis, Head of the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Maryland in the United States, shares 5 lessons he learned from his experience following an omega-3 infection.

This is what he said on his social media site: I have been around Govt patients more than 1000 times in 2 years. Infection was not caused by masks and armor wear. But Kovit liked me when I was currently attending a family event without a face mask. So wear my 95 or KN95 helmets if you can.

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I returned to work with the masks on after 5 days without getting infected and fighting for life on the ventilator. I tell my story on social media. From this you can learn that the vaccine and the booster dose have done their job. So thank God for the vaccine.

I do not need monoclonal antibodies, steroids like Paxlovit. Appropriate symptomatic treatment is sufficient. Of course I did not use Ivermectin, Hydrochloroquine, Zinc etc. At the same time the protocols for acute patients will be different.

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Think often about your death, whether Govt exists or not. This will make everything look right. We will make bold, meaningful decisions. Herd immunity is good, herd mood is bad.

Put on the booster dose, wear my 95 masks, and even if the govt infection occurs, do not worry you will fully recover. The family event I attended was important to me. So I took that risk. But your risk level may be different. Evaluate science first. Then do as the mind tells you. Thus he has given the lessons learned as five lessons.



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