The expert told how to properly charge a smartphone

by time news

Nikita Efimov, head of the MegaFon service department, in an article for RIA Novosti, gave several recommendations on how to properly charge a smartphone.

According to him, you can not put the phone on charge immediately after being in the cold, and you need to let it stay at room temperature. The expert noted that the normal ambient temperature for a smartphone is not lower than +10 and not higher than +40 degrees, and with other values, you need to let the phone “acclimatize”.

In hot weather, you should not allow the device to overheat, it will be especially harmful to charge it in direct sunlight.

Efimov also commented on the use of powerful chargers with a large number of amperes.

“The charge will go faster, but the battery capacity will gradually decrease. Say, in a year, the degradation of the battery will already be clearly visible.

He also did not recommend using “non-native” charging accessories at the same time.

“For example, charging an iPhone with an iPad cord will also quickly kill the battery,” he said.

The expert also noted that it is impossible to constantly discharge the phone to zero, because one day it may simply not turn on, and then you will have to contact the service center.

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