The government is backtracking to relaunch Ma Prime Rénov’

by time news

2024-03-08 20:00:05

The government is backpedaling to give a boost to MaPrimeRenov’. This aid, which subsidizes energy renovation work up to 90% for low-income households, up to 70,000 euros, will be relaxed, just two months after being restricted, the Ministry of Energy Transition announced on Friday. Renovation by gestures – simple insulation, simple ventilation, etc. – is making a comeback, particularly for thermal strainers (noted F and G on the energy label). Without being obliged to provide an Energy Performance Diagnosis and call on a “My Renovation Assistant” assistant.

It had been excluded from the 2024 version of MaPrimeRenov’ in favor of packages of work, certainly more efficient from an energy point of view but also more costly than single actions. The idea is to relaunch the MaPrimeRenov’ machine, which has been broken down since the beginning of the year (-40% of grant requests over the first two months of the year). “The philosophy is that global renovation is preferable to a single gesture. But better a single gesture than nothing at all”, we explain to the Ministry of Energy Transition. “Proposing aid again for single acts of insulation is going in the right directionrejoices Sylvain Le Falher, president of Hello Watt, specializing in energy renovation. No longer being obliged to have an attendant as their low number has driven up the prices of this service.»

The government also intends to simplify access for construction companies to the RGE label (recognized guarantor of the environment), necessary for individuals to receive aid. The objective is to increase the number of certified professionals to speed up renovations. “I hope that the simplification to obtain the label will not be synonymous with reducing controlsworries Sylvain Le Falher. Energy renovation is a sector that requires real technical expertise.» Despite the bad start to the year, the government wishes to maintain its objective of 700,000 renovated homes in 2024. And this, despite the reduction of one billion euros on the 10 billion in savings announced by Bercy to relieve the public finances. “It’s a real satisfactionreacts to the Figaro Jean-Christophe Repon, president of Capeb. Ministers capable of reviewing their copy after making a mistake is courageous.»

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