The government regulates the interventions of public health workers in private health facilities

by time news

2023-07-06 20:16:16


(Ouagadougou, July 6, 2023). The President of the Transition, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE chaired the Council of Ministers on Thursday, which deliberated on several issues on its agenda, according to the Minister of Sports, Youth and Employment, Boubakar SAVADOGO, acting minister spokesperson for the government.

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Under the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, the Council adopted a report on the issue of interventions by public health workers in private health structures. For Minister Robert Lucien Jean-Claude KARGOUGOU, this supervision will go through the signing of agreements between public health workers, public health structures, the universities to which these health workers belong and the private health structures where they must intervene. . According to him, the regulations will allow public health workers to intervene 8 hours a week in the private sector, either in one day or in two half-days.

To this end, the Council has also adopted very important transitional provisions on the matter. ” For specialists, this authorization to work in private structures is for a maximum of two years, after which the specialists will be invited to formally choose between being in the public and being in the private sector. “Explained Minister KARGOUGOU, who added that for the rest of the health corps, this authorization is for a maximum period of one year after which a choice must be made for the exercise of the function.

The Minister in charge of Health also specified that the adoption of this report will make it possible to clarify the intervention of public health agents in the private sector, to minimize conflicts of interest, to improve the availability of agents in the structures public health facilities and to improve the equitable access of the population to quality health services.

The Minister of Environment, Water and Sanitation, Roger BARO made an oral communication to the Council on the celebration of the 5th edition of National Tree Day (JNA) which will be held on July 15 next in the Center region.

According to the Minister in charge of the environment, this day will be held under the theme “Tree, symbol of community resilience in a context of insecurity” and will also serve as a framework for the launch of the 2023 national reforestation campaign. edition, specified Minister BARO, “will make it possible to plant 60,000 plants in the Center region in an area of ​​100 hectares”.

Source: Communication Department of the Presidency of Faso



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