The Government unveils its priority projects

by time news

The Prime Minister, Me Apollinaire Joachimson Kyelem de Tambèla, and all the members of his Government, met this Wednesday, April 05, 2023 in Ouagadougou, around the Emergency Program of the Transition. For each minister, it was a question of presenting the five priority projects of his department, the financing of which has already been acquired, and which are achievable within a maximum period of one year.

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The Transitional Government of Burkina Faso is determined to work for the well-being of the people. Indeed, in addition to the fight against terrorism, which remains its number one priority, it has set up the ” Transition Emergency Program whose goal is to offer people better living conditions.

This Wednesday, April 05, 2023, for nearly six hours, the Prime Minister, and all the ministers, discussed this program.

In the opinion of Me Apollinaire Joachimson Kyelem de Tambèla, each minister had to reveal during this working session, the priority projects (five at most) to be implemented by his department. These projects had to have funding and be achievable in twelve months.

In turn, the members of the executive took part in this exercise, listing the major projects they intend to implement. At the Ministry of National Education, for example, we can say that the integration or reintegration into the education system of children and pupils affected by the crisis is one of the priority projects.

Minister Joseph André Ouédraogo, recalled that more than 02 million students are currently in nature. The Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs, Olivia Rouamba, revealed for her part that the completion of the work of the Maison du Burkina Faso in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), is the first priority of her department.

At the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Prospective, the five projects presented have all been selected to be executed within one year. These are the acceleration of the humanitarian response in fragile areas, the Patriotic Support Fund, intended to support the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP), the project to digitize procedures.

There is also the socio-economic infrastructure development consolidation project and the state revenue mobilization reform project. The health of populations is also a major concern of the authorities of the Transition. In his presentation, Minister Lucien Robert Kargougou indicated his wish to regulate the shift of health workers in the private sector. He also announced the upcoming completion of several hospital construction projects.

Thus, in Gaoua and Fada N’Gourma, two Regional University Hospital Centers (CHUR) will come out of the ground within a year. The same is true in Lèna and Karangasso Vigué (province of Houet), where district hospitals will be built.

In the mining sector, a project to set up a processing plant for mining residues such as fine coal has already been started and construction work is even very advanced, according to Minister Simon Pierre Bussim. He also mentioned the project to create a national gold refinery in our country, as well as the electrification of 95 localities, by connection to the national interconnected network.

Finally, it should be noted that this government meeting was marked by two communications, respectively on the organization of direct and professional public service competitions, and the “Thomas Sankara Memorial Project”.

On this last subject, the Minister in charge of Communication and Culture, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, indicated that the project is on hold. He wanted the Burkinabè State to take over the project which, until then, had been led by an Association.

Source: Primature



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