The Government will implement the low-cost AVE between Galicia and Madrid in 2024

by time news

2023-07-18 15:03:46

The Ministry of Transport already has a date for that Galicia is connected with Madrid through the Hello, Renfe’s low-cost high-speed train. This modalidad “low cost” was going to be implemented on all AVE lines in Spain, but no timelines for the Northwest had been committed. Until this Monday. The Minister of Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda, Raquel Sánchez, announced the arrival of Avlo trains for next year 2024.

Renfe’s cheapest high speed, he said, will mean a increase of four frequencies per direction in the railway connection between the city and Ourensewithin the Madrid-Galicia line, according to progress during a PSOE campaign event at Puente de Piedra (Zamora).

He added that the Renfe subsidiary with reduced prices carried out, precisely this Monday, a test trip to Ourensestation to which the international gauge tracks arrive, since the internal network of the community is built on Iberian gauge.

For the Minister of Transport, this represents a great change and progress, to which is added the addition of the new Talgo 106 trains, commercially known as Talgo Avril, which will reduce travel timeswhich is reduced by between ten and fifteen minutes on the connection between Zamora and Madrid and by twenty in the case of the so-called “early bird train” between Ourense and Madrid.

Those new trains, which will come into service from Novemberin addition to facilitating “better travel times”, they have “more capacity” and more seats and are added to other improvements such as the increase in frequencies in that rail corridor.

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Likewise, the Madrid-Galicia line has also seen an increase in the number of regular users thanks to the Subscriptions Before with a 50% discount that “this government created in the general state budget” of 2023, according to Raquel Sánchez.

These passes for frequent users have allowed the number of passengers to increase by 36%, recalled the Minister of Transport, who compared these measures to support the railway with the abolition in 2013, with a PP government, of the rail service between Puebla de Sanabria (Zamora) and Ourense, a situation that the Government of Pedro Sánchez has managed to “reverse”.

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