The Health Consequences of Alcohol: What Would Happen if It Was Discovered Today?

by time news

2023-12-24 18:06:48
New Study Finds Alcohol Would Likely Be Banned If Discovered Today

A recent statement from addiction expert Geert Dom has sparked conversation about the potential regulation of alcohol in today’s society. Dom, who is well-known in the field of addiction research, has made a bold claim that if alcohol were only discovered now, it would most likely be banned due to its adverse health effects.

In a recent interview, Dom warned that while it can be tempting to crack open a bottle of alcohol, it is important to be aware of the detrimental impact it can have on one’s health. He emphasized that alcohol is a drug and, like any drug, it can have serious health consequences. Dom’s statement has prompted many to consider the societal attitudes towards alcohol and whether it would be as readily accepted if it were a new discovery.

The sentiment has been echoed by Maarten De Bouw, who also agreed that alcohol’s health risks would likely prompt a different response if it were a new substance. This assertion has led to discussions about alcohol regulation and the implications of its widespread use in society.

While alcohol has long been a part of human culture and traditions, the recent statements from experts like Dom and De Bouw have raised important questions about the potential consequences of its consumption. It remains to be seen how these discussions will influence public perception and policy regarding alcohol.]
#Addiction #expert #Geert #Dom #dont #stop #drinking #alcohol #harmless

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