The hitmen who killed the doctors in a bar in Rio de Janeiro were found dead

by time news

2023-10-06 17:55:43

The murder of three orthopedic doctors and the gunshot wounds of a fourth professional, took a dramatic turn. The episode occurred in Rio de Janeiro yesterday morning and today the bodies of four men were found, also killed violently, who probably participated in that massacre

The case, which occurred on the beach of Rio Barra de Tijucabears close similarity with the crimes committed by the militias. These groups are usually formed by military police, to operate clandestinely.

The bodies of the criminals were found today in the western area of ​​Rio; One of them was even in the trunk of a car near the Ríocentro exhibition hall. The identities of these militiamen have not yet been reported, but it is stated that they belong to a criminal organization whose members have the nom de guerre: Ryan, Preto Fosso and Lesk.

Hitman crime in Rio de Janeiro: three doctors were executed in a bar

Barra de Tijuca Beach

In the police media it is stated that the orthopedic doctors, participants in an international congress of the specialty, were murdered when they were mistaken for traffickers. But it happens that one of them is the brother of a national representative of the left-wing PSOL party, which raised the possibility to the federal police that the action may have been political. It is also being investigated whether he was a mafia-linked group which emerged in 2021 and whose boss, Lesk, allied with drug traffickers from the City of God.

Los four doctors massacred, in a small beach bar, they had met to have a few beers, when at 1 in the morning a white car appeared from which individuals dressed in black and with weapons in hand got out. They immediately shot at the professionals without warning that it could be an assault, as indicated by witnesses. And they left quickly without stealing anything at all. At first, the Fluminense police said that they were drug traffickers who had mistaken their target.

Three doctors were murdered in a bar in Rio de Janeiro

Playa Barra de Tijuca

But that version is losing weight. It is possible that they are members of the militia mafia who would be linked to a faction of the Red Command.

Now that the bodies of the members of the vigilante gang have appeared, it is suspected that “a traffic court” decided to kill them, to avoid leaks about who the principals were.

#hitmen #killed #doctors #bar #Rio #Janeiro #dead

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