The hospitals with the most incubators for newborns in Mexico

by time news
  • According to the INEGI, during 2021, 1,912,178 births were registered in our country.
  • The states with the highest rates were: Chiapas, with 99.8; Guerrero, with 72.5 and Zacatecas.
  • Thanks to HospiRank research, prepared by Global Health Intelligence, it is possible to find out which Mexican hospitals have the most incubators for newborns.

The basis for any health center is the medical staff, but there are also other elements that are important. Within the list, the equipment and real estate of each unit stands out because they are the support for patient care. With this in mind, it is time to know the Mexican hospitals that have more incubators for newborns.

Birth rate in Mexico

To put it in context, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), during 2021, one million 912 thousand 178 births were registered in our country. The figure represents an increase of 17.4% compared to the previous period.

It also mentions that of the registered persons, 83.2% obtained their birth certificate before reaching one year of age. In contrast, 16.8% were one year or older at the time of registration.

For its part, it indicates that 51.4% of registered births corresponded to mothers who at the time of birth were between 20 and 29 years old.

Similarly, during 2021 the rate of registered births per thousand women of reproductive age was 55.6. The states with the highest rates were: Chiapas, with 99.8; Guerrero, with 72.5 and Zacatecas, with 67.9. In contrast, those that reported the lowest rates were: Mexico City, Yucatan, and Baja California Sur, with 37.4, 43.6, and 45.5, respectively.

Hospitals that stand out for their number of incubators for newborns

However, to provide proper care to women who become mothers, medical support is necessary. It starts from the moment the pregnancy is confirmed and from that moment there must be constant monitoring.

On the other hand, to know the hospitals that are better equipped, there is research HospiRank. This is work that Global Health Intelligence carries out every year through HospiScope, the world’s largest database of Latin American hospitals. The most recent edition reveals that Mexico has 3,655 hospitals, 154,045 hospital beds and 6,819 operating rooms.

Of the hospitals analyzed in the report, 63% are private and 37% are public. Those in the first sector have approximately 95 beds per hospital, while the private ones have 16 beds per unit.

The same work mentions that the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara “Juan I. Menchaca” it leads the list of those with the most incubators for newborns with 136. The figure also includes radiant heat cribs and is a sign that it dominates this area.

In second position is the General Hospital of Mexico “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga” with 99. This space also stands out for its extensive history since it was founded in 1905. Therefore, it has faced everything from pandemics to world wars and economic crises.

To complete the top 3 appears the National Institute of Perinatology “Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes” located in Mexico City. According to official records it has 95 newborn incubators. Although if you want to know the complete list with all the names you can consult the graphic at the top.

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