The Importance of Flu Vaccination: Protecting Yourself and Loved Ones from the Flu

by time news

2023-10-17 10:37:42
Title: Low Flu Vaccination Rates among High-Risk Groups Highlighted as Flu Season Begins

Subtitle: Viatris Study Provides Insights into Motivations for Vaccination

Now that flu season has started, it is important that everyone takes measures to protect themselves and loved ones from the flu. According to the European Union, up to fifty million people in Europe are infected with the flu virus every year. Although anyone can become infected, some people, such as the elderly or those with chronic conditions, are at greater risk of serious health complications from the flu. The most effective way to reduce the chance of getting the flu is the annual flu vaccination, Viatris reports.

Figures from the National Flu Prevention Program show that the vaccination rate of the target group for the flu shot was only 58 percent in 2021. This is low compared to the World Health Organization’s target of 75 percent. Flu vaccination was lowest in the group of people up to the age of sixty with a medical indication (for example diabetes, heart, lung, and kidney disease) at 27 percent. The highest vaccination rate (77 percent) was achieved in the group of people aged sixty-five and older who had a medical indication.

To understand the motivations behind flu vaccination among people with chronic conditions in Europe, Viatris conducted a study. The study revealed the three most important factors for getting vaccinated. The top reason, cited by 61 percent of respondents, was a recommendation from their general practitioner (GP). Additionally, 31 percent said they got the flu shot on their own initiative, while 18 percent mentioned protecting themselves from the flu due to their underlying medical condition. The survey also highlighted the importance of the pharmacist’s recommendation and the protection of loved ones as influencing factors.

“Influenza, also called flu, is a disease that should not be underestimated. People with vulnerable health, such as people with a chronic condition or the elderly, can suffer a lot from the flu, which can lead to a deterioration of their health or a hospital admission. It is very important that they are vaccinated against the flu every year,” said Ted van Essen, chairman of the Dutch Influenza Foundation.

Looking towards the future, half of the survey respondents stated that their likelihood of getting a flu vaccination hinged on the recommendation of healthcare providers and their belief in the effectiveness of flu vaccines.

“This research clearly identifies what motivates people to protect themselves against the flu. Such studies are important tools we often provide to healthcare systems to support flu awareness,” said Jorge Puig de la Bellacasa, Country Manager Viatris Netherlands.

As flu vaccination rates remain below the target set by the World Health Organization, it is crucial to raise awareness about the risks posed by the flu and the importance of vaccination, especially among high-risk groups. For more information about the risks posed by the flu and the importance of vaccination in people with vulnerable health, visit

By: National Healthcare Guide]
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