The infrastructure of 38 health centers in Portoviejo was improved – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Portoviejo, March 29, 2023

This March 29, 2023, the Minister of Public Health, José Ruales, developed a broad agenda of activities in Manabí, which included the delivery of 38 health centers that repowered their infrastructure in Portoviejo, within the framework of the strategies: “Ecuador Grows Without Child Chronic Malnutrition” (37) and the “Intersectoral Policy for the Prevention of Pregnancy in Girls and Adolescents” (1), (PIPENA).

The investment exceeds 858 thousand dollars, works such as painting, air conditioning, masonry, roofs, electrical system were developed, among other improvements that benefit more than 327 thousand people in the capital of Manabita.

The health authority participated in the delivery of 1,330 technical aids for people with disabilities to the province, with an investment of USD 350,000. Only for the Andrés de Vera parish, 51 technical aids were delivered: 17 chairs, 23 bathroom chairs, four bidets, four cushions and three canes for local patients. For Zonal Coordination 4, which includes the provinces of Manabí and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, USD 540,000 was awarded only for disability issues.

In his speech, Minister José Ruales recalled that the Government of President Guillermo Lasso Mendoza prioritized investment in health for Manabí. An example of this, he said, is the inauguration of the hospitals in Bahía de Caráquez and Manta. Likewise, he explained that the Pedernales health home is in the final phase of delivery of complementary works.

He announced the hiring of 45 specialists and doctors for emergency and imaging at the Verdi Cevallos Hospital, in Portoviejo, for next month. He took advantage of his visit to the territory and verified the tests of the computed tomography in this health home that has the goal of carrying out 120 to 150 radiological examinations per day. “This is excellent news for the Verdi Cevallos Hospital, as we strengthen the first level of care,” she commented.

Cristóbal Castillo, president of the Local Committee, thanked Minister José Ruales for his willingness to care about the Manabita population and their health. “Thanks to our doctors and the staff of each unit for working at any time. Here the citizens need you and your work team”, said the beneficiary.

Similarly, Lafior Martillo, beneficiary of a wheelchair, recognized the increase in financing from the Government of Ecuador for technical aid and for the hiring of more doctors for Manabí. “These actions that favor all people with disabilities are very encouraging for the country,” she said.

Andrés de Vera Type C Health Center

This health home has 13 beds for citizen care. Seven for emergency, three for recovery and three for dilation. It attends an average of 7,500 monthly services, including the humanized delivery service. In total, it has 18 offices, including nutrition, psychology, and others, to provide timely service to the community.


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