The Iranian media expressed satisfaction with the escalation with Israel

by time news

The establishment media in Iran expressed satisfaction with the multi-arena escalation against Israel and presented Israel’s response to the events as evidence of its inability to deal with a scenario of launching missiles simultaneously from several fronts. Summary of the Iranian scene in the Palestinian territories

The Iranian involvement in the Palestinian arena as published in the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center named after General Meir Amit.

The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanaani, condemned the IDF attacks in the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon and called them “a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and integrity of Lebanon as well as the principles of international law and human rights.” Kanaani called for an effective response from the international community in the face of the “aggressive measures by the Zionist regime” and for an urgent meeting of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation. He emphasized the need for a unified, strong and coordinated position of all Islamic governments in support of the Palestinian people and in preventing the desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In the meantime, the Iranian establishment media expressed satisfaction with the multi-arena escalation against Israel and presented Israel’s response to the recent events as evidence of its inability in the future to deal with a scenario of simultaneous missile launches from several fronts. The conservative daily “Wetan Amroz” praised the success of the “Palestinian resistance” in initiating a campaign against Israel from three fronts at the same time: from the north, south and the West Bank with the aim of paralyzing the Israeli security system.

The newspaper claimed that there is still a possibility of simultaneously opening all possible resistance fronts from the north, south, east and the sea. The operational and media solidarity of the elements of the “Resistance Front” in the sensitive situation, which Israel is in during the Passover holiday, has created a new equation that arouses fear among the Zionists, for example from the possibility of launching ballistic missiles against sensitive centers in Israel.

The “Tasnim” news agency, which is affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards, claimed that Israel’s response during the latest escalation expressed an attempt to limit the campaign against the “resistance groups” and avoid a confrontation with them. The conduct of the Netanyahu government and the Israeli security organizations indicates that they are even afraid of a simultaneous conflict in two arenas and it is clear that they are concerned that the entry of the remaining “resistance groups” into an all-arena war against Israel will lead to a war, which may lead to its elimination.

At a press conference on the occasion of “World Jerusalem Day”, which will be celebrated on April 14, the spokesman for the Revolutionary Guards, Ramchan Sharif, said that different conditions exist in the West Bank today compared to the past. This, following the realization of the strategic project of arming the West Bank and with the joining of new resistance groups to the battlefield. Sharif noted that the unity and coordination between the Palestinian fighting groups is stronger than ever and that the formation of a “united anti-Zionist front from southern Lebanon and the Syrian Golan to Gaza and the West Bank” presents the “Zionist regime” with a tremendous challenge within a short period of time.

Referring to the internal differences of opinion in Israel, Sharif said that the “Zionist regime” has been suffering in recent years from increasing disputes, which recently reached a peak and undermine the hope of its leaders and residents regarding its continued survival.

Iran’s ambassador in Baghdad, Muhammad Khatem al-Tzadek, met on April 12 with the Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad in Palestine, Ziad al-Nakhla, who arrived on an official visit to Iraq (IRNA, April 13).

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