The Israeli company Impax has signed a $ 2.7 million agreement with PepsiCo

by time news

Company Impax Announced today (Sunday) that it has signed a commercial agreement with the beverage giant PepsiCo Global $ 2.7 million for the supply of hundreds of thousands of electronic units for smart drink bottles.

As part of the agreement, PepsiCo provided a non-binding forecast that depends, among other things, on the sales volume of the product, according to which in 2023 the volume of orders from Impax will grow twice as much as in the yearCurrent. The stock is soaring following the report.

It was also reported that as part of the agreement, the company will provide PepsiCo with a software development kit for PepsiCo’s widget, which will be able to communicate with the product and receive information about its use. This is the second order of the same product, when PepsiCo previously purchased an order for about 5,000 units. Today, as stated, the agreement was signed, after an examination of the beverage corporation led to a larger-scale acquisition.

PepsiCo intends to launch a smart bottle that contains advanced technology and full connectivity to the user and the company, in recognition of the trend to reduce the use of plastic and move to sustainable products.

Impax CEO Kobi Bentkowski said: “To the best of the company’s knowledge, this is the first contract of its kind in the world, in which a huge and significant corporation like PepsiCo is preparing to launch a smart bottle that incorporates advanced technology and market it in hundreds of thousands of units.”

“The IoP (packaging) web platform we have developed collects data on product usage by end consumers in real time,” said Yoav Hoshen, senior vice president of sales and business development at Impax. “Full on the frequency and scope of use of the bottle on the one hand, and gives the company on the other hand real-time information on the habits of its customers in the use of the bottle and the drinks it markets.”

Impax has developed a technology platform that collects and monitors a layer of information about end customers’ use of packaged consumer goods (FMCG / CPG) in their homes. The company was established in 2015, currently employs about 20 people and recorded revenues of about half a million dollars in 2020. The technological platform includes smart packaging and related software services as part of the IoP – Internet of Packaging field.

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