The Juvenile Court of Tarragona imposes 7 years of internment on the minor who participated in the deadly robbery at a bingo in Tortosa in 2022

by time news

2023-06-29 13:10:00

The Tarragona Juvenile Court has agreed to the closed confinement for 7 years and 3 months to the accused of participating in a robbery at a bingo hall in Tortosa in September 2022 where a local worker died.

In addition, the minor, as direct civil liability, and his parents, as joint civil liability, must compensate the relatives of the deceased worker with 108,690 euros, and a bingo customer who was injured, with 21,965 euros.

#Juvenile #Court #Tarragona #imposes #years #internment #minor #participated #deadly #robbery #bingo #Tortosa

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