The legality of the Moscow Treaty is highly disputed. Gardman-Shirvan-Nakhijevan union statement – 2024-04-21 22:59:47

by times news cr

2024-04-21 22:59:47

The Gardman-Shirvan-Nakhijevan Pan-Armenian Union issued a statement referring to the Moscow Treaty of 1921.

“In 1921 on March 16, the Russian-Turkish “Friendship and Brotherhood” agreement was signed in Moscow, which, despite being a bilateral agreement, submitted an application to redraw the borders of the states that did not participate in the Moscow conference and are considered de facto independent, which is an unacceptable step from the international legal point of view. In addition, the parties to the agreement were not internationally recognized entities, therefore the legality of the entire Moscow Treaty is highly questionable.

With the Treaty of Moscow, Soviet Russia and the Kemalist government of Turkey carried out a mutually beneficial “trade”, trying to realize in one case the utopian goal of “spreading the revolution in the east”, and in the other case, the “National Covenant”, a feasible vision of Turkey’s future. The agreement between these two aspirations was fatal for Armenia, which was already Sovietized at that moment.

According to the Moscow agreement, Kars region and Surmalu province, which had never been part of the latter, were transferred to Turkey, but the Turkish demands did not end there. According to the Moscow agreement, Nakhichevan, where the Armenian population was subjected to great atrocities in 1918-1920. during this period by Turkish-Azerbaijani regular and irregular troops and armed groups, was handed over to Azerbaijan with the status of an autonomous republic and under the condition that this patronage will never be ceded to another state, that is, to Armenia. Putting Nakhijevan under the patronage of Azerbaijan with the status of an autonomous republic was a mutually beneficial step for the parties, by which, although Nakhijevan did not pass to Turkey, it was not given to Armenia either, while in 1920 on December 30, the ruling committee of Azerbaijan renounced the “disputed territories” and recognized the latter, including Nakhichevan, as part of Soviet Armenia.

However, the Soviet decades under the slogan of “brotherhood of peoples” did not bring real brotherhood to Nakhichevan, where the Armenian population was forced to leave the territory due to the creeping discrimination and racism of Azerbaijan. Until the 1990s, the remnants of Nakhichevan Armenians were subjected to forced displacement, and the entire Armenian cultural environment of Nakhichevan was subjected to Azerbaijani vandalism. Therefore, the architects of the Moscow Treaty and their successors are equally responsible for the destruction, mutilation, alienation and desecration of the fate of pre-Jevan Armenians and the Armenian national historical heritage.

The Gardman-Shirvan-Nakhijevan Pan-Armenian Union strongly condemns the illegal treaty of Moscow, which violated the vital national interest of Armenia and the Armenian people. The Moscow treaty opened the door for the continuous losses of Nakhichevan Armenians, the result of which is today a completely depopulated Nakhichevan, as a feudal domain attached to the dictatorial regime of Baku and close-knit clan rule.

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