The love for radio and Girona, from father to son

by time news

“Ask him what he did the day after he had me,” he says Nile Sola. “I spent the night he was born in the hospital, because I had to spend the night in the hospital,” he replies Eduard Solàcausing the first laugh, and continues: “The next day there was the final of King’s Cup al Santiago Bernabeu between Barça and Betis. The final of Gaspartin Figo i l’Trust me. And my mother-in-law was very excited to stay in the hospital.” Not even Nil can hold back a few laughs. “I went to see the game, it’s true.” “Not here I will crack because I don’t remember”, points out the son. “The mother-in-law said if you want I’ll stay and I said ‘okay, okay, okay, okay'”. Thus began the relationship between father and son at Can Solà, headed over time to an emotional bond much stronger than what is hinted at behind each irony. Right now, Eduard, the father, does the transmissions of the Girona a Catalonia Radio. The son, Nil, follows in his footsteps and covers the news of Míchel’s team for the Chain Being. “Unlike others, I have had no references”, adds Eduard. Nil has also had the mirror of his mother, the martha rodriguez, journalist “But she is serious about things”, he emphasizes. It’s non-stop.

the beginnings

Raised in different decades – “but from the same century, so don’t worry too much”, stresses Eduard -, one in 1965 and the other in 1997, football is the umbilical cord that makes the two eras similar. “I always wanted to be a sports journalist. And nowadays I keep the cuquet. I get nervous, but I like it more and more. When I was little, I played with trading cards and narrated football matches. And now, during the week, I still visualize the things I can say. But in our work there is a very large component of improvisation, because you never know how it will go”, admits Eduard, who began to Radio Group in 1986. There, a couple of times a week, he gave the results of a social futsal tournament. In 1989 he would enter Catalonia Radio. He also worked at Girona newspaper. They were the years of Palamós a Second Division.

With the appearance of Nil – he also has a sister, Queralt, but she never wanted to know anything about journalism-, Eduard took the opportunity to take his son, also passionate about sports, to the events where he was sent. “I remember a trip, especially to the sports city of Real Village. There was also Francesc Sánchez Carcassés. There is a very nice photo where I am next to him. There he gives me a piece of paper and a pen and tells me ‘you have to write down everything that happens during the game and then we’ll make a’. I, who adored the world of football, felt that living that way had to be a bargain”, says the son, who “learned the numbers thanks to the players’ numbers. He memorized: with the one this, the two that, etc.». Nil stepped on Montilivi, for the first time, in the historic promotion promotion to Segona against him Ceuta. He started working for the agency EFEmaking the template guide of the Lobster who had risen to professional stardom in 2014. He would then be the correspondent for home games. “I did the previews from class, with my mobile phone. For more than a day the teachers had caught me and taken it away from me. What discussions”, he exclaims. From there, it would be Girona and with promotion to First of 2017, signed for Sports world. Since this summer, he has left the written press, signing for the Chain Being.

Labor difficulties

“You can tell that this one in front of me (his father) doesn’t praise me. In fact, I’m the one telling myself that I’ve done well. Now, with the change to the radio, in the first programs I went blind”, says Nil. “But I heard them, huh”, interrupts Eduard. And did you like them? “Well, when he got home I told him what I had to tell him.” “I didn’t receive any messages until the third day, when I made the slightest mistake.” Eduard is already laughing again. “He’s right, it’s true. I’ve marked it all my life, because if it doesn’t deviate too much. You have to be humble. I shoot a lot of cane, on a day-to-day basis. As a joke, yes, but also to fuck him. Because the more they fuck you, the better.” “If I’m so competitive and want to be the first in everything, it’s because he didn’t even let me win when I was three years old when we played football. And now I show that it is because of my own quality and merits that I am where I am”, says Nil, for whom social networks have been “key” in the job search. “They have served me to make myself known, thanks to the image you give opportunities can come your way.” “You can’t be left behind and I have a profile created for all of them. I defend them, because if they are used well they are useful; but when there is a repercussion for something that is not even proven, they hurt”, analyzes Eduard. “A good journalist must be credible,” he says. “And inform with reliable sources”, the son supports him.

“You have it very complicated now, young people”, declares Eduard, who continues: “And to be able to live as we (journalists of his generation) have done, even more so. The good part is that you have a wider field of possibilities». “My mother always told me to dedicate myself to something else, because journalism is very difficult. But I never doubted and I don’t think I could do anything else. And you, 100% neither”, Nil makes it clear to his father. “I was very happy that he did as I did, but I didn’t have them all. I often asked him ‘do you mean that you will be able?’». “I feel lucky, but I had a problem. I found myself seventeen years old doing chronicles and interviewing First Division players”, observes Nil. “I made my debut at Primera when I was fifty-two”, replies Eduard. “I saw myself at the top, with contacts and a good position, and suddenly Girona goes down and the job becomes unstable. The salary was a pittance, I couldn’t live on it, and the effort had been for nothing. It is not easy to manage these situations. And the reality is that if the ball doesn’t go in, many of us don’t know if we’ll have a job,” explains Nil. “I remember turning around on the day of Girona’s relegation to Segona, while I was doing the broadcast, and seeing him crying”, says the father sincerely.

The bond created is very special. “All day long we talk: what if this today, what if tomorrow I interview I don’t know here, who happened to the game, what if what time do we have to go to the press conference, what if how did you sing the goal, what yes, what tweet did you make? All day. I don’t have the same relationship with my mother, nor he with my sister”, says Nil. Eduard speaks: “We mess with each other a lot, but we spend time together.” They leave laughing, of course.

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