The “Mathematics and Science Classroom” project gets underway in Bueño

by time news

2023-06-24 03:00:30

This Monday, June 26, he will appear at the House of Arts and Sciences of Bueñoexemplary town in the municipality of Ribera de Arriba, an innovative cultural project promoted jointly by the Ribera de Arriba City Council and the Autonomous University of Madrid, UAM. It is the “Classroom of mathematics and science”. The director of the project is the well-known Asturian mathematician Juan Luis Vázquez, a native of Oviedo but who lived in the valley of La Ribera during his childhood and youth, and has dedicated half a century of his life to mathematical research. He was and is affiliated with the UAM –currently as emeritus– and is a member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences, as well as a tireless traveler who has never lost contact with his beloved native region.

The “Classroom of Mathematics and Science” born from the desire to contribute to spreading scientific culture in the region. The Principality is already known throughout the world for its demonstrated interest in the cultivation of arts and letters and also has renowned scientists, including a Nobel laureate. The Princess of Asturias awards are a notable and successful example of support for culture made in the Principality with a global vocation.

But the diffusion of the specific culture of mathematics and science requires a special effort and motivation from the teacher and the public. The promoters of the Classroom consider that Mathematics have come to play today a role that is essential for the society of the 21st century.. The present and the predictable future are linked to the fantastic digital world of signals and images, to the advance of automation, to the modeling of technical and social phenomena, and to the growing power of algorithms. Virtual worlds that need mathematics or are largely the creation and consequence of themalways in combination with science and technology.

The Casa de los Prieto after its remodeling.

The absence of a reasonable general mathematical and scientific culture among the broad public -including not a few people with a solid humanistic culture- is a sad reality that they note with regret, since it is a ballast that severely limits an efficient and egalitarian society.They consider that it is necessary to remedy it, and the Aula intends to join the notable social effort already underway, promoted by various sectors -academia, publishers, the press and various others-. “Let’s think about the Science Weeks so popular among the students of our faculties. For young people, talking about these issues is talking about the future, a feeling that they repeatedly transmit to us,” they emphasize.

The project that will see the light this Monday 26 “from a small town in Central Asturias that combines nature, industrial fabric, proximity to Oviedo and a clear intellectual concern, it is done with humility, but also with firm will and conviction. We believe that there is an interesting gap for this initiative that joins other similar ones around the world, but with a different touch”, highlight the promoters of the project.

Is about bring knowledge of the many facets of mathematics closer to a diverse audience with an interest in culture and modernity, and thereby contribute to the extension of mathematical culture, seen in the broader context of scientific and technological culture. Therefore, it is about seeing the role that mathematics plays in everything, from the sublime to the small or the daily, and to do it within an open format, far from academic formalism and gravity. “We will remember that mathematics is an ancient art and that Euclid, genius and glory of the Ptolemy dynasty of Alexandria, bequeathed to us the ‘Elements’, 13 books that we study today with the freshness of 23 centuries ago. Such is the permanence of mathematical truths”, they emphasize.

The Classroom also intends to be a place of reflection that allows researchers to carry out their intellectual activities in a more intimate environment, away from the usual pressures of professional daily life.he. Small can be beautiful and effective.

Classroom It plans to start activities in the fall of 2023. In its first year, a series of conferences, meetings and debates have been scheduled with the participation of prestigious Spanish or foreign specialists, recognized as prominent lovers of the creation, dissemination and dissemination of mathematics. And of the sciences if the voyage is favourable.

#Mathematics #Science #Classroom #project #underway #Bueño

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