The Millennium Park of Brest is overgrown with lindens

by time news

On April 7, the leadership of the Brest City Council of Deputies, employees of the Department of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus in the Brest region, and schoolchildren took part in planting trees in the Millennium Park of Brest. The occasion is the 10th anniversary of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus. It was decided to lay a memorial alley. Planted 60 lindens.

Chairman of the City Council of Deputies Nikolay Krasovsky urged the youth to remember every tree. After a while, welcome him, transmit and receive energy. Thus, contribute to the improvement of the city.

“It’s like starting a new life,” Nikolai Vasilyevich said enthusiastically. – The seedling will grow, will decorate our city, make the air cleaner and create a comfortable environment. Taking this opportunity, I would like to urge all Brest residents not to waste time, but to plant trees in their yards, in household plots, in specially designated places.

Colonel of Justice Andrei Deshkevich, head of the SCSE department for the Brest region, called the event symbolic. He emphasized that linden leaves are similar to the shape of a heart. And this means the love of the townspeople for their place of residence.

Young people – tenth-graders of specialized classes of secondary school No. 5 – liked this idea very much. So adults and children actively took up shovels and buckets, enthusiastically set pegs for tying young trees. Music sounded, the program was hosted by the charming presenter, finalist of Miss Belarus-2021 Ekaterina Nichishina.

“In years, we will be able to come to the park and remember how solemn it was,” said the head of the department. – I want to thank the city authorities for giving us such an opportunity, supporting and participating in the event.

The Feast of the Annunciation alternated between sun and rain. The protesters took this as a good sign. It is believed that in such weather, the survival rate of plants increases sharply … Recall that the republican action “Week of the Forest” continues throughout April and is held for the 16th time. This year it is dedicated to the year of peace and creation. According to some estimates, about a thousand trees have already been planted in the youngest park – the Millennium of Brest. Some of them will have to be replaced, new alleys will grow. So there is enough work for everyone.

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