The new building of the Institute of Oceanology will receive an absolutely transparent facade

by time news

MIR devices for deep-sea diving will be exhibited here

New building for the Institute of Oceanology. P.P. Shirshov RAS will be built in the coming years on Nakhimovsky Prospekt, next to the main building. Its facade will be made in the form of a volumetric stained-glass window, creating the effect of a huge wave beating out of the building. The other day Moskomarkhitektura approved the project of a building for the Center for Biogeochemical and Information Technologies of the Institute.

As explained by “MK” in the Institute for them. Shirshov RAS, scientists have long been in need of such a center. Firstly, one of the world’s largest collections of deep-sea fauna has long been demanding a special room. The pride of the institute is the special species of sea stars, molluscs, sea anemones, caught in the Soviet years in the Kuril-Kamchatka trench. By the way, in depth (10.5 thousand meters) it is only slightly inferior to the Mariana Trench (11 thousand meters).

Secondly, with the advent of a new building, scientists will finally have a place to accommodate modern laboratories for geochemical and molecular genetic research, which require special cleanliness and conditioning (now, due to lack of space, the refrigeration equipment of laboratories has to be placed in the corridors).

Scientific premises will occupy the main area of ​​the new building. In addition to the storage and laboratories, there will be a hall with a 3x3x3 meter pool for testing underwater equipment, an experimental thermostated room in which a certain air temperature will be maintained, a room for 3D modeling, etc.

The new building will have seven above-ground and three underground floors. Its architecture will repeat the architecture of the institute building, built in 1977 in the spirit of Soviet modernism under the leadership of the famous architect Belopolsky. By the way, the new building will be connected to the main building on the ground floor level.

The hallmark of the new building should be an exhibition pavilion for deep-sea vehicles with a volumetric transparent stained-glass window. A special place here will be occupied by one of the “WORLDS”, thanks to which hundreds of scientific missions took place at depth, films were shot and rescue operations were carried out. The devices will be viewed through transparent glass from the street.

In the scientific and educational block of the Center, there will also be training rooms for seminars for young scientists, a museum of the history of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It was decided to use a unique spherical projection as one of the exhibits. This system is a globe on which high definition video is broadcast. Visitors will be shown atmospheric storms, climate changes and ocean temperatures.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 28656 dated October 29, 2021

Newspaper headline:
Visitors to the Institute of Oceanology will be overwhelmed by “Volna”


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