The police decided: the case against Rabbi Tao will be closed

by time news

Knitted news19.12.22 21:27 25 in Kislo Tishpeg

The police decided: the case against Rabbi Tao will be closed

(Photo: Olivia Pitosi / Flash90)

The case of Rabbi Tau.

The Israel Police will announce in the coming days that they have decided to close the investigation file against the president of the Har Hamor Yeshiva, Rabbi Zvi Tau. According to the report in ‘Khan Haudas’, the decision of the police came because no evidentiary infrastructure was found necessary for the criminal threshold for committing sexual offenses by Rabbi Tao.

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The case of Rabbi Tau and the connection to the Har Hamor Yeshiva


It was also reported that the police were unable to formulate a criminal basis for committing the crimes, and that at the end of the evidence collection phase, no basis was found to meet the required criminal threshold.

As you may recall, the affair exploded a few months ago when a woman named Nechama Thana published a post on her Facebook account in which she claimed that Rabbi Tau had sexually assaulted her 20 years ago. A few months later, another complainant named Dorit Hopper Lang made similar allegations against Rabbi Tao.

Following the claims and rumors circulating online, Rabbi Yuval Sharlo and Rabbi David Stav issued a call to investigate the claims and find out the evidence against Rabbi Tao. The police, for its part, established a special investigation team, and now, several months after the affair broke, it is expected to announce in the coming days that the case has been closed.

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