the political ideology of a pop ultra-right

by time news

2023-08-15 17:33:54

In February 2019, theOtacon Party of the city of Buenos Airesa space dedicated to fans of anime and other variants of comics, had an unexpected political chapter: the appearance of the “captain Anarco Libertarian», ready to fight the States that provide aid to the less favored. She wore a yellow and black dress. One hand held a spear with three spikes of steel. The cape, on the ground. Behind his mask he hid Javier Miley. When the economist’s followers, mostly young people, began to dress up in the same way, the far right argentina, historically a minority, had won a cultural battle that just materialize in the primaries. Milei presents himself socially as the scourge of “caste”to promote the law of the jungle of capital from the same elite that claims to fight. On Sunday night, when he seems to have reached his summit, freed from all shame, he did nothing more than recall in his singing voice of a band imitating the Rolling Stones, Everest, the mission he had assigned himself that summer when he presented himself as a superhero: end “with the aberration of social justice».

«‘Hello everyone! I am the lion/ roared the beast in the middle of the avenue’». Each act begins with this song by La Renga, a local rock group that is against them and has complained about the use of their music. In this case, Milei has made an exception to its unlimited property right defense. The man who could rule theArgentina Always he has combined eccentricity and attachment to radical ideas that he respects to the letter.

Six years before he became “Captain Anarco Llibertari”, Milei had a kind of intellectual epiphany. It fell into his hands monopoly and competition, a book BY Murray Rothbard and religiously converted to his right-wing libertarianism. If until that moment he was a neoclassical economist, the football exporter wanted to follow the same path as Rothbard, who in the 60s had been a ‘hippy’ and, under the weight of disappointment, founded the American Libertarian Party to promote the good news of which, years later, Trumpism would water down. The reading was enlightening: “For more than 20 years I was deceiving my students. Everything I taught about market structures is wrong.’ Some of the most provocative positions are born from this book, such as purchase and sale of organsand the elimination of all regulatory bodies.

The chainsaw

As the polls began to quantify his political rise, Milei changed the trident of the fanciful “Captain Anarco Llibertari” to the image of the chainsaw. The machine, in its hands, does not seek to cut trees but the very matrix of the State, with its Central Bank included. Rothbard’s influence has been mixed with The denationalization of moneythe classic book of Friedrich Hayekthe founder of the Austrian School of economics, which proposes the free competition of currencies and is the basis of its dollarization plan.

Since he made a place in the television talk shows, in 2015, Milei alternated thebrash and flashy attitude with the presumed learned knowledge. This tension between showmanship and pedantic academicism, which includes several books of his authorship, such as my defense i The path of the libertariantook him to the theater itself. He consults for Mile it was the platform with which it began to appeal to more than casual viewers. Young people would see it. They left the room with a new language. Milei introduced the figure of the public speech state “parasite”.. On the tinglado, he lynched him with a hockey stick. “I consider the State as an enemy; taxes are a remnant of slavery.” If he gets to be president, schools, universities, hospitals, everything will go through the jagged force of his chainsaw.

The excantant is exhaustive: “If I had to choose between the State and the mafia, I stay with the mafia. Because the mafia has codes, the mafia obeys, the mafia doesn’t lie. And above all things, the mafia competes”, he said, without blushing. Milei sees in Pope Francis the same demonic incarnation. Baptized Catholic, he has turned to the study of the Torah under the tutelage of a conservative rabbi. The libertarian defends life to the extreme, and this leads him to fight so hard the abortion like the death penalty. The private lives of men and women do not interest him, and for this reason he would be permissive about the use of them drugs that day union between people of the same sex.


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When dressed as a superhero, Milei said: “I come from Liberland, a land created by the principle of original appropriation by man. A land of seven square kilometers between Croatia and Serbia, a country where no taxes are paid, a country where individual freedoms are defended, where the individual is believed in and there is no place for collectivist sons of bitches». The “free republic” of Liberland, on the western bank of the Danube River, resembles his imagined universe: without state mediation of any kind. This degree “zero” of the State it is, for Milei, a realizable utopia. And with his rhetorical chainsaw he wants to turn into sawdust one of the principles of equity that the peronisme instituted 70 years ago and which were never properly fulfilled in a country with so many coups d’état: “Where there is a need there is a right». It is attributed to the more plebeian Eva Perón. Not even many Peronist rulers took it very seriously and did the opposite, like the neoliberal one Carlos Menem (1989-99). Milei ponders those years, and that is why he has added to his team Roque Fernández, who was one of his Ministers of Economy.

He claims that the climate change it does not exist. The reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are fictions for him. «Global warming is another lie of socialism». Milei is an artist from denialism. His diatribes, at this time, resonate with the desperation of the impoverished Argentines who no longer believe in anything. The face of the economist, with his imposed mane, travels in the networks in the style of the reproductions ofAndy Warhol. An ultra-pop.

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