The popular accusation requests almost 300 years in prison for the CDR accused of terrorism

by time news

2023-12-08 22:14:17

Six accusations in the trial of the National Court against the members of the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR) have requested sentences totaling 296 years for the 12 defendants. This is 48 years more than those requested by the Prosecutor’s Office.

The accusations have requested a sentence of 33 years in prison, six more than what the prosecutor of the National Court requested for each of the accused of crimes of belonging to a terrorist organization, possession, storage and manufacture of explosives of a terrorist nature and crimes of attempted havoc. For the remaining four defendants, the accusations ask for 10 years in prison.

This is indicated in the document presented by the Fuster Fabra law firm, which represents the popular accusation made up of the Catalan Association of Victims of Terrorist Organizations (ACVOT), the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT), the Dignity and Justice Association , Spanish Association of the Civil Guard (AEGC) Unified Association of the Civil Guard (AUGC) and Vox.

The accusations maintain that they had formed “a stable and permanent organization over time.” In fact, they specify that “they were related through a hierarchy and coordinated with each other, showing unity in the direction and execution of their actions in order to commit crimes.”

In addition, they point out that the 12 defendants “were affiliated with a ‘Local Commission’, carrying out their actions within the scope of a locality or town and, in addition, they were part of what is known as the Tactical Resistance Team (ERT).”

Who are the CDRs?

The Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR) are groups derived from the independence movement that claim to be organized without hierarchy. They were born a few months before the referendum on October 1st.

The movement took its name from the Cuban Committees for the Defense of the Revolution founded in 1960 with the objective of carrying out surveillance work to denounce signs of opposition to the revolution. The members of the CDR explained to ‘3cat’ that the participants make up a heterogeneous and transversal group and that they arise as a result of various neighborhood associations with an assembly-based and horizontal nature.

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